Page 79 of Huge Games
"All you can do is try," I say. "Parents don't always live up to expectations. Sometimes, they're an epic fail."
I climb into the car, and Elias shuts the door and rounds the front. When he's seated and fastening his belt, he asks in a quiet voice. "Are your parents messed up, too?"
"They didn't used to be." I stare out the front window, not wanting to meet his eyes. "But after they separated, it's like they divorced Marie and me, too. Now, all we hear about from them is how evil they both are, and how miserable. If we get a phone call at all."
He squeezes my knee, then puts the car into drive. "Dornan's dad is like a fucking saint. He's always coming around with snacks, and not just for Dornan. He's nicer to me than my own fucking sperm donor."
"Gab's mom is a saint, too. I swear, that woman wants to feed the world. She's so caring and nurturing. I hate myself for feeling jealous."
"Don't hate yourself. A starving man craves what's on a rich man's plate. It's natural."
I turn to stare at him. "That's very philosophical."
He quirks a lopsided smile. "I keep telling you I'm not just a pretty face."
I snicker and play with the loose threads on the hole in my jeans. "But you are so pretty."
He really is beautiful. I always thought that, even whenhe was being a cocky asshole. Somehow, now I know him, he's become even more attractive. All the things that make him awkward and opinionated, loyal, and kind, and everything in between, makes him shine in my eyes. I think the same about Dornan. He's such a good man, not just to me because he likes me, but also to Elias and Travis and his other friends and family.
And Travis. Well, he's traveled halfway around the world on the off chance he has a baby that might need protecting in five months. Who does that?
Elias laughs out loud at my compliment; it's such a great sound that I feel like crying. In all the years I've known Elias, he rarely laughs.
He takes my hand. "You're pretty too, Celine. Obviously not as pretty as me…"
I struggle against his grip, pretending to be offended. "That's it. No more sex for you."
He fixes me with a pretend enraged stare. "Don't go joking about that."
I purse my lips, remembering the fun we had. "It won't be the same without Travis."
As the words leave my mouth, I fear Elias will be offended. I don't mean that he's not man enough for me. Of course, he is. He rocks my world every time. I just mean that most of our time together has been as a foursome, and I've gotten used to being surrounded by them. I've gotten used to them working together, laughing and joking, vibing off each other. I'll miss that.
Elias doesn't reply either angrily or with understanding. He just focuses on the road to take me back to my dorm, lost in his thoughts.
My phone rings from deep within my purse, and I hunt for it, surprised when I see Dad emblazoned across the screen. He's seriously calling me now, after all this time.
Maybe he's found out about the video.
The thought sends my stomach through the floor of the car. "Dad." I don't even say hi. I'm so fucking out of practice at talking to him.
Elias's gaze whips to me before refocusing on the road.
"Celine. I'll be in town tonight. I thought we could have dinner." Tomorrow night, I promised to go with Elias to the hospital. I can tell he's daunted at the idea of going alone, and there's a chance his dad will be there. If he sees that man, he won't be able to hold onto his rage, and that's not something I'm prepared to risk.
"I'm sorry, Dad," I say. "I have other plans."
Elias hisses 'go' at me, but I ignore him. "What do you mean you have other plans?" Dad's voice is angry and weird. "I'm in town for one day, and you can't cancel your plans to spend a few hours with me?"
"I can't. I'm sorry."
"You know what, Celine. You've been using my credit card like it's crack. I know you're failing. I've been considering withdrawing my funding for next semester on the basis that it's a bad investment."
"A bad investment?"
Elias can hear the conversation, and he turns again to send my phone a look of withering disgust. "You're obviously focusing on other things and not your work. Why should I go out of my way to facilitate you wasting more of your time."
"You know what, Dad? You do whatever you want. You always do." I hang up and throw my phone back into my purse.