Page 88 of Huge Games
"Yeah. It's what you said you were doing at the Red Devil."
"What?" Celine's confusion is too cute, and it makes me want to kiss her on the tip of her nose and then shackle her to my bed.
"Gathering your own harem!"
Her smile is brilliant and bright. She drops her burger and leaps up, taking Dornan's surprised face between her hands and kissing his lips. She does the same to Elias, who's reluctant to let her go, and slaps her ass when she tries to pull away. Then she rounds the table to me.
When I left for Germany, I thought this thing between us was going to be over before it even started. The way Imissed her felt stronger than it should. I tried to tell myself that I was being an idiot for even thinking she'd want more than what we started. Dornan's one of her best friends, and she's known Elias intimately since before we started playing as a group. If she was going to choose to solidify a relationship with any of us, it was going to be one of them. But as she kisses my lips tenderly and lets me pull her into my lap, I feel the truth.
She wants us all, and it's not in a greedy way. She sees each of us individually and how we work as a unit. What should be impossible feels infinitely possible with Celine at our center.
"I missed you," she whispers. "I'm glad you're home."
This apartment I've never lived in feels warm and inviting because of the three other people here with me.
I feed Celine chips, and we laugh at a stupid story Dornan tells us about yesterday's locker room antics. And when we're done eating and the conversation slows, Celine stands and leads me by the hand into the bedroom, encouraging the others to follow.
We're back together, and it doesn't seem real.
Now I know they want the same thing as me, I'm practically trembling as I lead Travis by the hand to his bedroom. A few days ago, I didn't think he'd be coming back. I imagined him with a new life in Germany, wheeling a baby in a stroller down a Berlin Street with that bitch, Lina, by his side. In my grim fantasy, his face was drawn and gray, and I wanted to pull him back to where he'd be happy. I wanted a chance to make that happen for him.
And now he's here, and I can hardly believe it.
And Dornan and Elias are here.
They want us to be together, not just to play games, but for real.
It shouldn't be possible, but they say it is. We have a second chance.
I was scared to hope, but I'm not anymore. The fluttering in my chest morphs into something different, my heart unfurling like the wings of a resting butterfly before it takes flight.
In the bedroom, Travis, Dornan, and Elias surroundme. I start to unbutton my shirt to give my trembling hands something to do, but Travis takes hold of my wrists and lowers them until they hang by my sides. Our eyes meet, and the emotion that passes between us is an ocean swell that almost knocks me over. He touches my face, and my throat constricts and shifts at his tenderness. "Let me do it." His voice is gruff as his fingers find the first button. I forgot how much he likes to be in charge, but this feels different. He's taking care of me, and even though it's a simple act, the part of me that's always on edge, always ready for a flight, settles with the soft stillness of midnight snow. Travis is slow to remove my shirt like the slide of every button through its corresponding buttonhole builds his arousal the way it's building mine.
Knowing that Elias and Dornan are watching and waiting makes everything so much sweeter.
Underneath my shirt is a simple black satin bra, but the response from the men when they see it is far from simple. Three gruff moans cut the silence, and those moans only increase in volume when Dornan and Elias take a strap each and slide them from my shoulders, tugging to reveal my breasts.
Elias's dark eyes hold desire but also something reverential, his fingers grazing my skin with a tenderness that makes me ache. Dornan's crystal-clear gaze is as intense as blue fire, but his lips form a soft half-smile that mirrors my contentment.
Everything between us feels as sweet as candied apple and as bright as the first peek of the sun over the horizon.
We are four, but somehow, together in this moment, we are one.
Travis's hands are the first to touch me there, kneading and then pinching my nipples until I'm moaning, and my legs feel as though they might go out from under me. His deep blue eyes linger on my face, drifting to my lips as I dart my tongue out to wet them. I want him to kiss me. Ineed to feel his mouth, his passion, his tenderness. He gives me everything I need as Elias begins to unbutton my jeans. Dornan cups my cheek, turning my face to his so that he can kiss me slowly, too. Every nerve in my body feels alive with sensation and anticipation as I'm passed from man to man.
I'm liquid, slipping between their fingers, seeping between their lips, molding to them as they work together to explore all that I am and all that they make me want to be.
My fingers tingle with the urge to undress these men who are responsible for changing my life and filling me with the kind of love that I never thought I'd find.
I try to search beneath the hem of Dornan's shirt, making contact with the undulation of his abs, but Travis removes my hand again. This time, as Elias strips my jeans and panties from my legs and taps my calves so that I'll step free, Travis takes my hands and binds them behind my back with my bra. He tugs his shirt over his head, revealing the lean, muscular body I've missed so much. My mouth dries, my tongue feeling papery and dusty as he smiles cockily like he's aware of just how much I want to taste his skin.
"No touching," he says, undoing his thick brown leather belt before he tears it from the loops of his jeans. The sound it makes reverberates between my legs. He flicks open his fly and reaches for his thick cock, palming it a few times. "On your knees, Celine."