Page 11 of Vampire United
He glares, his fury growing by the moment. “You have a great deal to explain.”
Galina takes a step back and her fingers twitch as though she’s working some kind of spell. Compulsion, maybe? He leaves the witch to it, glad for any help she can give him.
Caleb continues. “Why did you turn her? What does Malcom want with her?”
Vera shakes her head and takes a deep breath. “What makes you believe Malcolm wants her?”
“If not Malcolm, then who?”
Vera considers him for a long moment, and Caleb curses his lack of extra perception. He can’t sense anything about her intentions or her feelings. It’s as though he’s half-blind now.
“I need Maddy, and you’re the key to finding her.” A swell of energy builds inside him, and his hands turn to fists. “I don’t have time to mince words, Vera. Don’t tempt me to violence. Self-control isn’t currently my strong suit.”
He fights to keep a tight rein on the surging energy, clenching his hands until his nails dig into his palms. He won’t lose control again.
Suddenly, Vera jerks back. Her hair lifts into the air as though she’d grabbed a hold of a live electric wire. Her jaw goes slack as she stares at Caleb.
Loose pages fly off the desk and burst into flame. Vera turns ashen. Behind her, Cora’s eyes bulge, and her hair lifts in the same staticky way. Galina’s hands fall to her sides and she gapes at Caleb.
Caleb whirls on her. “What did you do?”
Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out. Finally, she rasps. “That wasn’t me.”
“Then who—” Caleb takes a step backward. If it wasn’t Galina, then it was him, and he understands the shock on all the faces in the room. “That was me.”
Vera’s eyes widen, and she chews her bottom lip. “It was you. Do you know what you did?”
He squares his shoulders and straightens his spine. “I’m a Van Helsing.”
“But do you know how you did what you did?” Vera shifts from side to side, and a gleam lights her eyes as though she has more to say.
“I have powers,” he begins, but he’s not sure what else to add.
She rubs her hand together in front of her, and Caleb doesn’t miss how they’re shaking. “Yes, you do.”
He considers the tremble in her voice, her ashen expression, and the way she’s leaning away without trying to be obvious. “And it frightens you.”
“You’re powerful,” Vera agrees. “But it doesn’t frighten me.”
“You’re lying. Start from there.”
Vera takes a deep breath before speaking. “You have more than powers, Caleb. You come from a long line of Van Helsings. A long time ago, witches performed experiments on your ancestors and made them stronger than you know, and the powers varied greatly from Van Helsing to Van Helsing. But the powers haven’t been seen in ages.” She crosses her arms, stroking her chin. “We must find out what your powers are. We need all the help we can get, and you’re the first Van Helsing descendant to have found his powers in a long time.”
“Why would I help you?”
“BecauseIcan help you.”
“You mean you needmeto help you,” Caleb counters. “But I won’t have that conversation until after I have Maddy, and you’re the key to finding her.” He approaches Vera, relishing the step she takes back. “And you’re going to take me to her.”
“And what do I get for doing that?”
“You get the chance to make your case for my help.”
Indecision crosses her face.
“Tell me where Madeleine is.”
She points vaguely to the northwest. “She’s that way.”