Page 3 of A Throne and a Crown
Mat: It’s the most dreadful shame, Your Majesty, but we’ve somehow,inexplicably, run out of time for this recap. And now we have to jump several months forward to the beginning of this next story…
Ren: Youasshole.
Chapter One
Fast asleep on his stomach, splayed across our bed and dead to the world despite it being a perfectly respectable time of the morning to be awake…was the man I was honoured to call husband.
I dragged the blanket down to reveal his slender body with its delectable dips and curves, watching the way his shoulders softly rose and fell as he slept. His breathing was deep and unconcerned, completely at ease, and drew a fond smile across my lips.
Tracing the shape of his hip bones, I moved to drape myself over him and nuzzled the back of his neck. His short hair tickled my lips.
The sleepy little noises that Mathias made in response were everything. Until I kissed my way across his cheek to his mouth, intending to take this warm, content happiness further, and he grumbled out a slurred complaint.
“You’re heavy.”
That was it, I was done being gentle.
“And you,” I purred into his ear, “need to move three inches to the right.”
My lover still didn’t open his eyes. “I’m fine here.”
“I bet you are,” I said. “Taking up most of the bed, as usual. And now that your king wants you in the middle of it, you refuse?”
Mat snuggled deeper into his pillow. “Mmm.”
I braced my knees on either side of him and lifted his hips, shifting him to the right. The man made absolutely no attempt to help, and his only reaction was an annoyed grunt as the movement dislodged the pillow under his face.
Leaning over him and ensuring to land my knee in his ribs just for the curse that earned me, I snagged one of the leather cuffs we’d fitted to the bed posts several months ago. I’d had the cuffs made especially for his measurements – four of them, attached to short chains so I could render my consort helpless whenever I wanted – so the restraint buckled snugly around Mat’s right wrist, drawing his arm taut but not stretched.
Thatgot a reaction out of him, but only in the form of a single cracked eye.
“What a surprise,” he mumbled, waving the cuffed hand pathetically. That only served to keep my attention on it, and I grinned, rather enjoying the view of my brat bound and half-asleep. “Renato Aratorre is thinking about sex.”
I bit down lightly on his bare shoulder for the sass, drawing a surprised snort from the man beneath me.
“Could you sound any more condescending?” I asked.
Another snort, this time amused. “If you insist.”
“When I’m around you, I’m always thinking about sex,mi corazón,” I admitted. “Maybe try being less attractive to me, hmm?”
“It’smyfault?” Mathias asked indignantly, and when I gave an affirmative answer in the form of more kisses to whatever part of his face I could reach, he huffed and tried to shoo me away.
“Fine. I’ll shave off my hair, roll in pig shit, and adopt Councillor Vidrio’s wardrobe. Then we’ll see whether it’s really me that fuels your libido, Your Majesty.”
“You’ll be gorgeous even without hair, I doubt you’d last five minutes without succumbing to your incessant need to take a bath, and if you dare to drape yourself in any of Vidrio’s ridiculously bland outfits, I’m afraid I’ll just have to cut it all off you and ban you from clothing entirely,” I said cheerfully.
Now both of his arresting grey-blue eyes were open and watching me. “I’m not sure many people would appreciate me walking around the palace naked.”
“I don’t care about many people,” I retorted. “I wouldabsolutelyappreciate it.”
I tugged Mat’s left arm from where it lay underneath him and attached it to the wrist cuff on the other side of the bed. The chains were long enough that he could still rest on his pillow – the asshole would have complained too much if he’d been forced to keep his head raised, as much as I would have preferred my sexy as fuck husband to not have even an inch of movement left available to him – but they still pulled his arms wide, rendering him helpless beneath me. His muscles flexed, instinctively testing the restraints, and I laughed into his hair. How many times had I tied Mathias down like this, and still he fought as if he could break free?
“You’re beautiful no matter what happens to your body,” I told him fondly, pressing kisses to the ticklish part of his neck now that he’d lost the ability to bat me away. “I’ll want to fuck you even as our skin develops liver spots and our knees give out with age. I’ll love you until our bones turn to dust and our souls fly to the stars hand in hand,mi sol.”
I moved my lips to that mouth of his, so unexpectedly soft compared to the hard line it usually found itself in, or the unceasing grumbles it liked to make. Mat breathed a desperate noise into my mouth and arched up to chase the kiss when I pulled away.