Page 27 of The Heart of Smoke
That I could save him.
It’s a wild concept, but it’s one I’d like to get on board with. Not just because the fifty thousand could be incredibly useful in cleaning up my own life, but because this is what I do. What I crave in life. I love helping people.
Even unlikable mask-wearing grumps.
I can do this.
Iwilldo this.
For me. For Violet. For Nathan and the rest of the Parks.
And for Jude.Especiallyfor Jude.
As soon as the pipes begin whining on the other side of my office wall, I know it’s time to make my move.
He has a phone and he can’t bathe with it. Maybe I’ll find more information there.
I spring from my office chair and stride purposefully toward the guest room, each step marked by a silent purpose. The door is locked, but every door in this house has a metal instrument sitting on top of the doorframe that can be used as a key. I pluck it down and shove it into the slot on the door handle. It clicks softly, indicating my access. After I place the key back in its spot, I slowly twist the knob and then push open the door.
The cat, from his perch on the bed, watches me as I creepily enter the room. The bath water runs from the other side of the closed bathroom door. For now, I have that sound drowning out my movements, but when it stops, I’ll be forced to be extra quiet.
On the desk sit his wallet and car keys. He also seems to have just finished off a cup of coffee. The mug is still warm to the touch. I pick up his wallet, flip it open to look at his license, and then close it, placing it exactly the way it was.
Did he bring his phone to the bathroom with him?
I scan the room and don’t see it sitting anywhere. The suitcase I’d unpacked earlier today sits neatly on top of the cat carrier. I walk over to it to see if maybe he has it hidden in there. Sure enough, the side zipper reveals a phone that’s been turned off.
The water abruptly shuts off and I freeze. I lock eyes with Fucky, who watches me with rapt interest, tail swishing wildly. Tate doesn’t run out like he’s heard me, so I take a quiet breath before retrieving my own phone from my pocket. Luckily, his model phone is the same as mine, so I easily hook up the cable I brought with me to transfer any pertinent data.
I just have to hack into his phone first.
While I wait for the phone to turn on, I run through my brain the possible number combinations his passcode could be. Since I’ve already researched a lot about him, I may have those numbers in my database unless he chose a random, obscure code that doesn’t pertain to anything.
The phone eventually powers on. I try his birthday, the last four of his social, and am about to try the numbers of the street he lives on when a thought comes to me. Maybe it has something to do with the cat. I pull up my phone and locate the cat’s adoption papers, scanning until I find his birthday.
November 12.
Surely it couldn’t be that simple…
1112 opens the phone right up.
He should really think about changing that because anyone could just pick up his phone and get right in. Is that what happened with the kinky sex video? Did someone easily get into his phone just as I did?
If he didn’t trouble me so much, I’d almost feel compelled to have a talk with him about the importance of a secure password.
Not bothering to waste any more time, I set to transferring the phone data to my phone. I focus on text messages, photos, and videos for the time being. The program I use is quick but not quick enough to make a copy of the entire thing. I’ll do what I can and perhaps come another time to get the rest. Like when he’s sleeping.
While the phone copies, I dart my attention over to the bathroom door. He’s quiet in there. Doesn’t seem like a cleansing bath. Maybe more of a soaking bath.
Is he stressed?
The guilt is back, twisting and tightening my gut. I don’t like the heavy feeling—like I’m doing something wrong by trying to protect my family. But Tate’s a threat. I have to remember that.
I drag my attention back to his phone, noticing he has a shit ton of selfies with his cat. It’s almost cute. Kind of reminds me of Gemma and her selfies. Always smiling and putting on a show for the camera.