Page 51 of The Heart of Smoke
I fucking hate that.
Discreetly, I flip him the bird. Willa sees the gesture and gapes at me. I simply shrug before turning my attention to Dad and Hugo as they enter the room. Dad wears a pensive expression.
“This is the best I could do on such short notice,” Jamie says, entering the dining room with a large pot of spaghetti. “Hold tight while I grab the rest.”
Dad’s stare follows after her and the smile he reserves just for her is filled with such love my own heart aches with jealousy. Not because I want Jamie. I just secretly crave being able to love someone like Dad loves her—consequences be damned. His love for her nearly irrevocably bombed his family to smithereens and yet he kept on loving her anyway.
Sometimes I wonder if Mom would’ve ever moved on. Had she seen how much Dad loved Jamie, it might’ve been enough for her to stop obsessing over the demise of their marriage. She wasn’t happy with Dad. Neither of them was. Why she took it so personally when she found out about the affair was a mystery to me.
Thoughts of Mom sour my stomach. The thought of eating spaghetti is almost nauseating. I snag up the water glass in front of me, slightly lift my mask, and then chug the entire thing in just a few gulps. I slam my mask down into place, finding Callum watching me with renewed interest.
Fuck off, brother.
A few more hectic moments pass until dinner is served and everyone is chatting easily as they eat. I sit frozen like a statue, not bothering to pick up my fork or touch the food in front of me. Hugo, who’s already wolfed down his meal, clears his throat before rising to his feet. Dad gives him a small nod of encouragement.
“I called you all here today because I have something to say. It’s something that not everyone will understand, but it’s not for you to try to figure out. The important thing is,we’vefigured it out and we’re happy.” He smiles at Aubrey. “I spoke to Dad prior to dinner and he’s agreed that what I’m about to tell you will remain a secret within our family. I’d still like to hear it from you all, though.”
Everyone, including me, nods or agrees out loud that we will.
“Me and Spencer are seeing Aubrey.”
No one seems surprised by this news and I already knew. The three of them are always glued together. Spencer, who’s now out and proud, draws Audrey to him for a messy kiss. Hugo sighs in exasperation but doesn’t chide his son.
“And she’s pregnant,” Hugo continues. “With our baby.”
Willa squeaks out a happy yelp. “Aubrey, you’re pregnant? We’re going to have babies together!”
Aubrey pushes Spencer away to look at Willa. “You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?” Willa asks, confusion making her nose scrunch. “Babies are wonderful.”
“You’re so excited about being pregnant and everyone is happy for you,” Aubrey says sadly. “I didn’t want to take any of the limelight away from you.”
Willa shakes her head in vehemence. “No, hon, I’mreallyhappy. I’m sure everyone else is too. We can share the limelight.” She smiles in an encouraging way. “This is good news.”
“I mean, I knew what you three dirty dogs were up to, but I’m still fuzzy on the actual details. Do you two dick each other down?” Dempsey asks Spencer with a chuckle, clearly amused by his own question. “How does this work exactly?”
Dad stands from his chair, shooting his youngest son a fiery glare. “That’s enough, Dempsey. You’ll respect their relationship and asking about what goes on behind closed doors is unacceptable.”
“Tell me later,” Dempsey mouths to Spencer.
Jamie, Gemma, and Willa all get up to go hug Aubrey. I’m lost in their smothering affection over her when I feel something warm slide over my thigh.
Jerking my gaze from the girls to my leg, I find Tate’s hand resting there. I snap my head his way to find him smiling at me as he leans closer.
“They’re going to be okay,” Tate murmurs, eyes twinkling. “You all will.”
I know he’s touching me in a friendly, easy way I should be happy about, but all I can think about is how all the blood is rushing toward my cock. It swells and swells until my erection strains against my pants, threatening to rip right through the material.
What would it feel like to have his small hand slide up over my length?
Like fucking heaven.
But all I deserve is hell.
I push away from the table, the legs of the chair scraping over the wood. Several heads snap my way, concern in their features. Fire lashes at my cock and a stinging burn remains in the wake of where his hand was just on my thigh. I stagger to my feet and quickly turn on my heel to hide my blatant hard-on.
“Jude?” Dad calls out. “Just what the hell is wrong with you?”