Page 61 of The Heart of Smoke
“And then what?” Aubrey demands. “He sucked your face off?”
“What else did he suck?” Gemma teases, leaning forward to poke my hickey with one of her finger knives.
Willa averts her gaze and bites down on her bottom lip to keep from smiling.
“Nothing was sucked,” I say with a groan. “We just made out and then…”
Aubrey makes a rolling motion with her hand. “Andthen. Come on. Don’t stall.”
“And then he got…spooked. Left me all hot and bothered.”
Despite how unprofessional this confession time is, I can’t help but enjoy it. I’ve never been one to have friends really aside from the guys I’ve hooked up with or dated here and there. When I was with Sean, he sure as hell didn’t allow it. Having people to talk to is nice.
“What spooked him?” Gemma asks.
“I started to reach for his face. He kind of freaked out and left. I don’t know. It was really, really good, but something tells me it won’t be happening again.”
“Why not?” Aubrey demands. “He marked you like a piece of property. I think he’ll be back for a double helping of Tate pie.”
I crack up laughing. “Tate pie?”
“Mostly sweet but kind of tart too. Especially when you start asking hard questions we don’t want to answer in our sessions.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Gemma complains. “Dad doesn’t think I need to talk to Tate. So unfair.”
“I’m just shocked you broke him down enough to get a kiss,” Willa says with wonder in her voice. “He’s always so jumpy and gruff. Always ready to bolt when he’s had enough.”
“He’s still jumpy and gruff and ready to bolt when he’s had enough,” I assure her. “Last night’s blue balls can attest to that.”
The girls snigger and I join them.
Funky hops back onto the bed and sashays over to Willa. She pulls him into her lap, snuggling him close.
“You have to kiss him again,” Gemma says. “He needs this. He needs someone cute and sweet to get him to act like a human. You’re obviously the perfect man for the job.”
“I really don’t think he’ll be back for more Tate cake.”
“Tatepie,” Aubrey corrects. “And he totally will. We’ll help you.”
“I don’t need help,” I rush out. “Seriously. Please don’t bother him.”
Gemma laughs. “Too late. Get dressed. Make sure you look hot. We’re going to find him so you can tempt him with your sexy ass. Come on. Hop to it.”
I gape at her in horror.
She’s serious.
She’s really freaking serious.
The four of us have trouble containing our laughter. If we’re supposed to be sneaking up on Jude, we’re doing a terrible job. We pass by Wyatt’s room. His home health nurse is inside, rubbing lotion on his old, papery thin-skinned legs.
“Trouble times four,” Wyatt calls out, grinning at us.
I give him a goofy wave as we pass. We follow Gemma as she prowls down the hallway, tapping her witch nails on the wooden panels along the way. She reaches the gym door and cracks it open. Then she slowly closes it before whirling around to face us.
“He’s in there,” she hisses, grinning at me. “You need to go in there and do something flirty.”
“Flirty how?” I ask, frowning.