Page 70 of Lucky Strike
Since the baby had been born, he’d known Luna had visited the family several times, but he had yet to see the baby himself.“I don’t want to crash a family thing.”
Luna replied with a rolling-eyes emoji.“It’s a casual last-minute thing. Their besties will be there. And Mia’s dad. Ugh. I don’t like him. It’s only fair I get to bring along a buddy.”
There were some things to unpack there but, at the moment, Sam didn’t care.“Okay, as long as your family doesn’t mind.”
“Ross already said okay. Do you want to come to my place and we’ll drive together after work?”
“Can I just meet you there?”
She texted him the address.
A little after six, Sam’s motorcycle parked outside the older ranch-style home. Her white SUV was already in the driveway. He pushed away a bout of butterflies in his stomach. He wasn’t sure what the nerves were about. Why should he care about impressing Mia’s dad? Perhaps it was a case of being invited by Luna to be a part of this get-together, as though they were a real couple. He wanted to be accepted by the group, to feel as though he belonged with her.
Ross answered his knock. He remembered the guy as being sullen in school, but the adult version was more at ease and, clearly, happy with his current life. A small sting of jealousy invaded Sam’s body.
“Oh, hey, man.” Ross welcomed him into the house. “Want a beer or something?”
“I’m good, thanks.”
“We’re all eating in the family room.”
The inside of the home was quite lived in. Luna’s elegant, sophisticated style wasn’t on display here. It was a warm, standard home of mismatched furniture and lots of photos on the wall. In the living room, Mia sat on a dining room chair and a stern-looking older man with arctic blue eyes relaxed on a recliner. Sam was introduced to a couple named Natalie and Mason, who sat on the floor with their toddler, Alex, who was doing his best to put everything in his mouth, while Mason discussed why honey should be a standard topping on pizza. The only thing Sam cared about was Luna. Refreshed and gorgeous as ever, she took his breath away from her spot on a worn floral sofa, a baby bundle in her arms.
She glanced in his direction before returning her attention to the baby, a bright smile on her lips. “Who’s that? Huh? Is that Sam?” Luna said this in a light, baby-friendly voice. “Yeah, it’s Sam. Hi, Sam.” She delicately grasped a baby wrist and waved it in his direction.
He swallowed down the emotions, unsure what to do with himself, taking a seat beside her. Being included at a family-type function hadn’t happened for him in a long time. The realization hit him in the gut.
“Oh, this is Mia’s dad, Judge Russo,” Ross said, sitting beside his wife and slipping an arm around her shoulders. “Help yourself to some pizza.”
“Do you want some more, Judge?” Mia asked her father. Sam was confused. Was the guy’s name Judge or was he a judge?
“I’m just waiting for my turn to hold my own grandchild,” the older man said gruffly.
“Oh, stop,” Mia replied. “You’ve had way more opportunities to hold Victoria than Luna.”
“Yeah, I’ve hardly got to hold you at all,” Luna said in the same soft sing-song voice to baby Victoria. The infant stared at her with big, dark eyes full of infinite curiosity.
“Let me have your hand.” Luna took hold of Sam, bringing his hand closer to the baby. Victoria’s small one clasped a finger. His own were rough and tanned in comparison. “She’s got a good grip, right?”
“Yeah.” The kid’s hold was surprisingly strong. How lucky Ross was. The man had found a way to build a new family.
“This kid is going to be a firecracker just like the rest of the women in this family,” Luna said. “I can tell.”
“Please. Not too much of a firecracker. I don’t know if my heart can take it,” Ross replied.
“And we thought the dog was spoiled,” Mia said while patting her husband’s knee. “The kid coughs and Ross practically has a panic attack.”
Mason laughed at this as he turned his own kid upside down to his squealing delight.
“Men are so fragile, Victoria. That’s why you gotta be a little firecracker to keep them on their toes,” Luna responded.
“Okay, I think it’s time for the judge to hold her,” Ross said. “You don’t need to influence the kid anymore.” He stood, removing the baby from her arms as she protested.
Luna pouted. “You’re so mean. You’re going to be the meanest dad ever.”
Ross ignored her. “Hey, baby,” he said, kissing the infant on one chubby cheek before relinquishing her to the older man’s arms.
Judge Russo’s face transformed into something softer as he took Victoria into his arms.