Page 83 of Lucky Strike
“I guess. My sisters are just doing so much and they’re younger than I am. And here I am doing the books at a small jewelry store. It’s not really much to brag about in return. I wonder if it’s because they had more than what I had.”
Her cousin stopped, lifting his head. “We had Grandpa. They didn’t. I think, considering the circumstances, it was still pretty good. And don’t knock your accomplishments. What you’ve done, you did on your own. You went to college, and you’re helping me continue the family legacy here.”
“I didn’t do it on my own. I had you.”
“And I have to be worth at least a whole houseful of sisters. Why would you ever want to miss out on this?”
“You’re right. I’m glad I’m here with you. Do you think you’ll teach Victoria how to make jewelry?”
He returned to his work. “If she wants. I want more kids and one of them is bound to have some interest, hopefully. But, if not, there’s always your future kids.”
“Or maybe I want to learn. I don’t know. I just have always had an itch to do something more. You wouldn’t be mad at me if I wanted to do something else besides accounting, would you?”
“Why would I be mad? Is that what you want?”
“I don’t know. It’s just I really like doing the designing thing, but I know going to college cost a lot and—”
“Stop.” He lifted his head. “Don’t ever think you’re stuck in one thing and can’t do something else. We’ll figure it out.”
Her cousin’s support made her want to cry with gratitude. He was right. She wouldn’t give him up for a houseful of sisters because he was the best. She wished there was more she could do for him and Mia. Oh! There was one thing.
“If you ever want me to babysit so you guys can do a date night or something, I totally will. You need to take Mia out. Or you stay home and let me take her out. It doesn’t matter as long as someone gives the woman the break she deserves. Oh, and I told Aanya I’d cover for her in January so she could take that cruise with her family for her anniversary. I think you and I should pool our money together to get her a nice gift basket or something for the holidays. She’s earned it by putting up with us.”
“Yeah, that sounds good to me.” He slid a glance at her and smiled. “I’m really glad you’re here to keep things on track.”
“Of course. We’re in this together, even if I’m out doing other things and not working forever in the office.”
“Agreed. Anything else from your mom?”
“She asked me a list of questions, like the last email.”
“Are you going to answer her this time?” Ross asked.
“Maybe. I don’t know. I’m just waiting for her to lose interest in me again. But, yeah, maybe I’ll answer this time and see how it goes.”
“That’s good.”
“She did ask about you.”
“Me?” He acted surprised.
“She is your aunt after all.”
“I’m just used to being forgotten, I guess.” The shop doorbell jingled, and he lifted his magnifying glasses onto his forehead, peering through the security window between the workshop and the main store. “Who’s this hottie with the baby?”
“You better be talking about Mia or I’m snitching.”
Sure enough, Mia popped through the workshop door with baby Victoria in her arms, a huge smile lighting her face. “Hey, Victoria, look who we have here. It’s Daddy and Auntie Luna.”
Ross stood and claimed his baby, pressing kisses to chubby cheeks.
“Look at this sexy lady with the sexy hair,” Luna said.
Mia sported a cute shaggy bob, pulling her into the biggest hug. “Thank you so much, Luna. You’re so sweet. And I loved Tessa. She’s amazing and gave me a hand massage and everything. I almost started crying. Also, I may have convinced her to start a new side business offering in-home haircuts for new moms or other people who are homebound. We’re still working out the details, but I might help her do a new website and get some new pictures. And you should text her. I think she misses you.”
“Me?” Luna couldn’t believe it.
Mia laughed. “Of course, you’re fun and funny and really the best person to be friends with. Good Lord, this family. I don’t know why I always have to work so hard to convince you guys that you’re wonderful. I guess some people just need a little extra persuading.”