Page 85 of Lucky Strike
“What do you want, Luna?”
“I want you to have a place to grow your garden. To have someone who’d help you carry your toolbox. To always have a cat to cuddle with so you can feel warm and safe. But mostly I want you to be happy because I love you. You’re not a crap-shack guy, Sam. You’re my red door, my safe harbor.”
With tears in his own eyes, he pressed his lips to hers. Kissing him was the same as coming home. Familiarity in this case gave her exactly what she needed. Him.
“What happens now?” Luna asked when they took a breath.
“Maybe you want to join my mom and I for lunch. We’ve been going to lunch after our therapy session and would love for you to join. You can get to know each other.”
She grinned, her heart lifting as if the weights had finally been cut free. “Really?”
“Mm-hmm.” He brushed a strand of hair from her face.
“Oh, I got you something.” Sam lifted the black motorcycle helmet from the desk. “Sorry, I missed your birthday. Maybe this can be an early Christmas gift.”
With the item in her hand, she could see it wasn’t Sam’s regular black helmet. This one was shiny and new and one side was custom painted with the wordsQueeniein purple swirly font and a tiny crown. Luna laughed because she was so overwhelmed she didn’t trust herself to react any other way. “Oh my God. You got me a helmet. It’s perfect.”
“Now you can take a ride with me.”
“Maybe I can get my own motorcycle.”
“Come on, Luna. I’m still scared as shit just to have you on the bike with me, and we’ll probably never hear the end of it from my mother. Let’s take it slow so my heart doesn’t give out completely before its time.”
“Hey, Sam?”
“I love you.”
“You can have whatever you want, Queenie.”
She laughed. “So, are we doing lunch then?”
He grabbed her hand, and they departed the office.
“Oh, good. She’s coming with us?” Mattie said with a huge smile.
“Yes, I’d love to.”
Luna had always seen the events that happened to her through the lens of bad luck. Accidentally kissing a random man in the park. Not getting her dream duplex. Running out of gas on Highway50. But she’d begun to wonder if she’d been struck by luck the whole time. The realization glittered down on her heart until it sparkled.
As they walked out, she leaned toward her love, who was her perfect everything, and said, “You were mine as soon as you gave me your hoodie.”
And then their lips met.
“It can’t be that much of a disaster,”Luna texted to Tessa.
“No, it is. I don’t know when the salon was last given an updated look. Why would people come into our place for a new hairstyle when our place looks outdated? I told my mom that it was your new business, and she is all excited to hire you.”
“It’s not technically my official new business yet.”
“Girl, yes it is! If you believe it, then it is. Say it!”
Luna’s cheeks hurt from grinning so much. Having Tessa back in her life made her happy life feel even more complete.“Okay. It’s my business. At least my part-time business. I still have to help Ross, and Sam is building a community garden area at Schnell Ridge, so I want to help him with that.”
“Busy, busy,”Tessa replied.“You still have time to meet tomorrow for lunch, right?”