Page 4 of Sinning for Sienna
I wasn’t sure, but something stopped me from calling out, inquiring about who was here with me. It was some unexpected instinct that told me to explore quietly instead of announcing my presence.
I crept closer to my bedroom, where the door was ajar. That was strange. I was sure that I closed it this morning. I frowned and stepped closer just as I heard that sound again. This time it was more like a growl, as animalistic a sound as I’d ever heard come from a man, and the source was my bedroom.
As I reached the door, I stared inside with wide eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at, and I pushed the door open further without thinking about it. My gaze locked on the sight of my father sitting on the edge of my bed in nothing but a T-shirt. His pants were discarded on the floor at his feet, but I barely noticed that. My attention was completely locked on the sight of him stroking his fat cock with some kind of pink fabric.
I gasped as I realized he was using my panties. They were wrapped around his erection as he worked his hand up and down feverishly. His eyes had been closed, but they snapped open at the sound of my startled gasp. His gaze locked onto me, and I felt my stomach drop.
This was completely horrifying. I felt like everything I knew about the man in front of me was a lie. He was a horny stranger jacking off on my bed, and I didn’t know what the hell to do.
Then he suddenly stood. The movement unfroze my muscles, and I reacted, dropping my water bottle to thud against the carpet, I pivoted on my heel and raced out of the room, even letting out a shriek as I gave in to the suddenly desperate urge to get away from him. This man that I trusted for my entire life seemed dangerous now. I needed to escape him.
But he was much faster than I expected. The man was forty-nine years old, but he moved with the speed and grace of a much younger man. While I was rushing towards the stairs in the hallway, he grabbed my hair and stopped me abruptly. I gasped as he yanked backward, my body colliding with his. I felt his erection against my ass, and I was glad that I wore jeans today instead of a skirt. There was a much-needed barrier between us.
His free arm came around my waist, holding onto my hip. I was too shocked to do anything for a second, and the fear I felt didn’t help. I had no idea what was going to happen next.
“Where do you think you’re going, little girl?” he hissed in my ear, his voice gruff in a way that I’d never heard before.
I knew I should answer him, but my voice didn’t seem to work, any response that I could have come up with was stuck in my throat. Maybe that made him angry, because the next thing I knew, I was shoved to the ground.
The flooring was hard wood in the hallway, and both of my knees hurt as I landed. I quickly turned over to look up at my dad towering over me, my heart pounding against my ribcage.
“What are you doing?” I finally asked. I was stunned by the glint of lust that was so obvious in his eyes. I’d never seen anything like it from him before. Not even when he looked at mom.
“Don’t act so innocent,” he sneered. “This is all your fault.”
I knew I should have answered the question that and maybe still try to get the hell away from him, but I couldn’t seem to stop staring. I couldn’t take my eyes off my dad’s erection, still exposed. He was only wearing a T-shirt, so there would have been no way to hide it even if he wanted to, but he didn’t seem inclined to cover himself at all. In fact, as she stared at it, his cock twitched, as if it was eager to get to her.
He panted as he stood there, but he smirked. “Look at you, staring at my manhood. You like the way I swell for you, don’t you, baby girl?”
“No, Daddy, I-”
“Sluts don’t get to run away like that,” he interrupted my denial, and there was a madness in his expression that I found both captivating and terrifying. “You can’t just flee, not when you’ve been caught being bad.”
“What didIdo?” I asked, completely confused.
“You have tiny pink panties soiled with your little innocent pussy juice. He stepped forward. “You can fool mommy, but you can’t fool me, Sienna. I know you were wearing them for me. I know you wanted me to see them.”
I gaped at him, horrified by the idea of anyone seeing it. “No! There’s no one. I don’t show my body to any man. I just think they’re pretty.”
“I don’t believe you. I think that you’ve had wicked thoughts, my daughter.”
His breathing was heavy, and his cock still jutted out from his hips, as if this situation turned him on despite his angry words. I told myself to stop staring at it, but I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away. I’d never seen one before, not even online. There were too many content locks on the computers and even parental monitoring software on my phone, so I never could look it up online. Sarah had described one to me once, but my imagination never could have conjured something accurate.
My father’s cock was thicker than I expected and long, with a large vein running up the underside all the way to the mushroom-shaped head. A bead of moisture appeared at the tip, and I licked my lips before I even thought about what I was doing.
My dad groaned. “Look at you, hungry for it. Is that what you think about at night when you touch yourself? Do you imagine taking a cock into your mouth?”
My eyes snapped to his. “What? H-how do you know that?”
“I’ve seen you,” he scowled. “Riding your pillow and laying on your back with your fingers buried deep inside your cunt.”
“You have?”
I couldn’t think of anything more humiliating than knowing that I’d been watched like that. Those were my most private moments, the times that were meant for no one else. It was beyond embarrassing to think that my father had watched it.
“Yes, I have. And I’m not the only one, you know. The Lord sees all, even what you do in the dark. Did you even think about that?” He asked a question, but I wasn’t given a chance to answer it. He just kept going. “your actions have consequences, you know. Look at how you’ve corrupted me.”
My jaw dropped. He couldn’t truly mean to blame me for what I caught him doing. That wasn’t fair at all.