Page 5 of Wolf Trap
My mouth watered, as I frowned. I had to concentrate; I had to pull in the power. But now I couldn’t stop trembling, even though I had just forced the monster back to an angel.
He strode closer. My hands trembled. I had nothing. Again, I forced the feeling, imagining I was the knight of swords. How did the knight feel? Strong, fast, relentless? My muscles stiffened as I fought, trying in vain to embody the characteristics from the tarot. Strength, power as the angel drew ever closer. It was like my magic was being blocked.
Squinting, I looked up to see him raise his sword as he drew closer to me.
I threw the card at him. It was weak, feeble. Was Adara obstructing me? They stood there, hiding behind their masks, not moving.
I landed on my backside after the floating card jolted me backwards. Unable to spring up, I felt weighed down. My wristwas grounded to the floor because in my hand I held a heavy sword.
I really should’ve thought harder about that card.
Pushing myself up, I lugged the sword up, then realised my error as the angel had gained was still before me.
His eyes seemed to glow. I pulled the weapon before me to block his sword. Forcing my arm down, his strength was ten times stronger than mine, even with magic.
It compelled me to lurch back, dart as quickly as I could with a sword behind him before my arm, animated with magic, came crashing towards his back.
But he had been a warrior in life, and even though he was animated by enchantment, he had more experience than me. He’d spun around quickly.
My blade met his in a clash of steel. I stumbled as he drove me backwards. Gritting my teeth, I widened my stance. But he was simply too strong.
My arms were driven up, almost above my head, then he flicked his wrist, and I felt a sting on my thigh, sweat breaking on my forehead.
And the burning in my wrists and arms as my muscles cramped. Magic only took me so far. Unlike him, I wasn’t trained in the art of war.
A low rumbling of a growl in the distance had my heart skip a beat, my confidence almost defeated.
I should run away. I parried for what seemed an hour, but was a matter of seconds before running back, panting, trying to catch my breath.
Then another growl came again from within the corridors that surrounded this keep, echoing through the walls. Adara stirred. Some peered, leaning over the barriers above the archways, trying to see the monster that was heading my way.
A fearful glance over my shoulder, I now saw what Adara sent to finish me.
Half man, half wolf, Lycaon stood as they unleashed his shackles. There was menace in his eyes, the usual scarlet when his anger flared, they were now a dulled white. Snarling with outstretched claws, he came running right at me.
I turned and ran towards the angel, trying to get behind it, to use the angel as a block between Lycaon and me. Barely able to breathe from shock before Lycaon sprung through the air. I stumbled to the side, dropping the sword as I rolled. Nauseous from blood loss, I felt the wet on my jeans where the angel had sliced at my leg. In my panic, I hadn’t processed it, and now adrenaline and magic mixed in a heady stew. Pounding rapidly, my heart wanted to burst through my ribs. Panting, I fumbled, trying to shout his name, to shake Lycaon out of his frenzy.
But his name lodged in my throat as I realised I couldn’t make any sound. Then, oddly, like before, a peace fell over me. A surrender. I couldn’t do this anymore. I felt like I’d been fighting uphill all my life.
I just couldn’t. I was done. So be it. I surrendered.
My mind wrestled with my tired heart. I stood back and closed my eyes. Feeling the breeze of his claws by my face, I let my arms fall to my side. My muscles clenched, but a sudden clap echoed around the buildings.
Squinting, in case I’d died and hadn’t realised, Lycaon was frozen, his fangs bared, claws a hair’s breadth away.
He made no move and behind him, the angel looked like a statue again.
Backing away, I looked up.
Only three masked Adara members remained. They looked on in silence.
Then one of them nodded. Footsteps echoed from the corridors and emerging through the archways, a pack of shifters came jostling towards us.
Tense, my breathing jagged, I moved my fingers.
Perhaps I had something,anything left. I pulled the wand from my pocket. As soon as my fingers gripped the smooth wood, like lava, I felt the pummelling of magic swell through my limbs. Taking a lungful of air, I sent a shield of light that exploded before them.
A shout from above. I grabbed Lycaon, my face wrinkled in fear. I could see that he was bleeding. More footsteps sounded. A bolt of fire crashed beside us.