Page 101 of Hurt in Her Eyes
“Sources say that commander of the Finley Creek Homicide division, Miguel Rodriguez, was rushed to the hospital after being ambushed in the FC: TSP parking lot. Commander Rodriguez's condition is unknown at this time. The shooter has yet to be apprehended.”
She looked too damned perky to be reporting on a damned cop shooting. That was Sol's first thought. The second was that Rodriguez had angered someone in Wichita Falls and gotten his ass into trouble. An ambush would be the only way to get close enough to that big bastard to take him out.
Damn it. Sol liked that guy. Respected him. He was one of the few men Sol would want at his own back now days if needed.
Rodriguez worked hard, rarely lost his temper—probably a good thing, considering, and treated the people he worked alongside with real respect. Guy would go out of his way to help anyone who needed it, too. Didn’t fucking matter who it was.
Rodriguez had three kids, damn it. Kids he was taking care of all alone. What in the hell had happened to that guy?
Sol wasn't stupid. Rodriguez had pissed someone off. And he strongly suspected he knew who. And why.
Sol grabbed his keys. The beer could wait.
He was going to get his ass to the hospital—it was probably FCGH. That was the closest one to the TSP building. And they had the better trauma care for GSW now. After seeing so many in the last few years.
Sol would go. Wait there. See if the guy pulled through. See if the kids needed anything. Do what he could.
Even if it was too little too late.
He finally got her back to the Barratt’s castle, a good six hours after they had gotten the news that Miguel was going to pull through just fine. Haldyn was practically drooping in his arms, and Jarrod half thought he was going to have to carry Hope out of the hospital physically.
There was an odd light in Hope’s eyes he would never forget.
But Heather—that woman was starting to worry him. She was carrying a lot on her shoulders right now. Rumors were already flying through the rank and file that Miguel’s kids were tucked up nice and cozy with Heather’s family over in Hughes Heights.
Jarrod wasn’t stupid. Whoever had targeted Miguel had known the quickest, most efficient way to get to that man. Miguel was a hard man to take down. The only way to do it was to blindside him completely. Exactly as had happened.
And there was a strong possibility he had angered someone lately.
Jarrod was going to keep digging. All of Major Crimes was.
No one would stop until they had the answers.
But for tonight…
He had a little rabbit to take care of. She was practically asleep in his SUV. Jarrod parked and tossed his keys at the waiting guard. Houghton had a secure parking lot at the back of the castle where all cars were kept. The guards came in handy tonight.
He pulled her to her feet. “Come on, babe. Inside.”
She didn’t protest. Just kept putting one foot in front of the other. Until he had her inside. Jarrod scooped her up. “I’ll get you upstairs.”
She nodded.
That’s when he felt them.
Tears. She was crying. Silently. Breaking his damned heart with every tear. He just carried her past everyone in the castle, right upstairs to her suite.
Then she was pressing her lips to his. He kissed her right back.
They both knew. Tonight, they needed each other tonight.
When they were finished, he dressed her in one of his extra T-shirts and tucked her into his borrowed bed. She was almost asleep by then. He slipped in beside her. Her head rested against his heart.
Jarrod just held her until the morning came.