Page 103 of Hurt in Her Eyes
He'd run his fingers up Heather’s arm suggestively and hinted that unless Heather was really nice to him whenever he wanted, Bonnie wouldn’t be allowed to keep them all together. Especially such a sickly little thing like Hope. Heather hadn’t been a fool—even at fourteen.
Bonnie had come home. Heather had told her what he had said. What he had wanted. Bonnie had called her former father-in-law, Otis. Otis had told her what to do.
They had moved to Oklahoma in the middle of the night that very night. The next time that social worker had shown up—on the Oklahoma side of the state line, to tell Bonnie she couldn’t just leave Texas like that—Grandpa Otis, Bonnie’s former father-in-law, a powerful attorney in that small town, had met him at the door. Their case had been transferred to Oklahoma the next day. They’d had a better social worker after that. And Bonnie had gotten full legal guardianship quickly.
Heather would never forget that social worker’s face.
Or what he had wanted from her. She hadn’t been an idiot.
He had threatened to take her baby sister away if she didn’t do what he wanted. She would never forget that. Hope had been there and heard him, too. Her baby sister had never forgotten either, even as young as she had been.
It had left Hope with screaming nightmares for months. After having just lost her parents and her home and her entire sense of security. Heather had despised him for what he’d done to Hope. Hope had climbed into bed with Heather every night for weeks after that. Terrified she’d be taken away from her sisters.
That was the first time Heather had realized how men in power really were.
A lesson she had never forgotten.
Heather had promised Hope no one would ever split them up. No matter what.
It was no wonder Hope had promised Miguel his children wouldn’t lose each other. Hope knew the fear all too well herself.
Heather peeked into the room. She smirked when she saw Miguel, in a far-too-small hospital gown, looming over Hope. Who was trying to get him back in the bed, her arms around him somehow. Miguel was definitely a lot bigger than Hope. His entire hand was spread over her sister’s back.
“What are you going to do if I don’t do what I’m told, small fry?”
“I haven’t figured it out yet, but you are kind of puny right now, Commander Rodriguez. I’m sure I’ll do just fine.” Hope was glaring up at him. “Now. In bed. Or else it’ll be my turn to cuff you.”
“As much as I would seriously enjoy that, I’m not up to what would happen next. Yet. But next time you make that offer, I’m all in.” Miguel said, all rumbly again.
“Huh? Are you delusional this morning, too?” Hope’s confusion was unmistakable.
Oh, hell; her baby sister had missed what he’d just implied. But Heather and Joy hadn’t. Joy’s eyes were watering with laughter.
Hope had totally missed the innuendo completely.
Neither Miguel nor Hope had noticed Joy and Heather standing there in the doorframe, they were so focused on glaring at each other. Heather studied them for a moment.
There was definitely some fire right there. Hope, yes, not surprising. Her sister felt everything, passionately. But Miguel had always been one of the calmest people Heather had ever met. She had seen that man in some of the harshest situations in law enforcement imaginable. Nothing really shook that calm.
Apparently, her baby sister could change all that.
Joy wrapped her hand around Heather’s shirt and yanked her hard. Until they were out in the hall, hidden from Miguel and Hope’s sight.
Joy smirked at her. “Did you see his face?”
Heather most certainly had. She had never seen him look at a woman like he had been looking at Hope. Her own lips quirked. “He looks like he’s going to kiss her at any moment.”
“He’ll fall right down if he does. The guy should be in bed. Not fighting with Horrible Hope. But…I hope he does kiss her. That would be awesome.”
Heather fought the worry. Hope? And a cop? It was bound to lead to hurt for both of them. Hope was so afraid now. “Would it? I don’t want either of them to get hurt.”
“Maybe they won’t get hurt at all, Heath. Maybe they’d actually be good for each other?” Joy leaned in, took another peek. She stood back up. “They are still glaring at each other, but I think he’s pulled her even closer. Look.”
Heather couldn’t resist. She had to at least look.
And it was true. Miguel had his hand on Hope’s back and her sister was almost pressed up against him. But maybe she was just holding him up? Miguel didn’t look too steady on his feet.
“Come on, we should put him back to bed. Hope can deal with him later. When he’s strong enough to handle her anyway.” But Joy looked in again. “Cuffs can be entirely optional, but I am not going to ask…”