Page 141 of Hurt in Her Eyes
The biggest part of her wanted to be out there finding her baby sister. That was where she needed to be, was supposed to be.
Screw Daniel McKellen the Second. Screw the TSP.
The TSP had hurt her baby sister enough. Even if they fired her in the morning—she was getting out there to find her baby sister. No matter what.
Hope mattered more than the TSP ever would.
Heather turned away. There would be a car around somewhere. Joy’s, or Cashlyn’s. All she needed was a car.
MacNamara was there. He patted her on the shoulder. Heather fought jerking away as she and Joy crossed the parking lot, Joy holding someone’s shirt to her bleeding arm. “How badly are you hurt, Joy?”
“Something sliced through part of my arm. I’ll be okay.”
“I need your car.”
“You’re going after her.” Joy slipped her uninjured hand into her pocket. And came out with her keys. Just like that.
Just like Heather had known she would. “No matter what. One Coleson, All Colesons. Never leave a sister behind.”
“No matter what.” Joy looked at her. “Una Coleson, Omnes Colesons. We’ll take my van. If we can get to it. I have a first aid bag in there. You’ll need me when we find her.”
They were going to mount a rescue mission—in her sister’s minivan. Complete with five booster seats in the back. Of course, they would. One Coleson, all Colesons. No matter what it took.
Joy had been there with Kimball long before Major Crimes had gotten there. Talking to that madman. “What exactly did he say about Hope before we got here?”
“Hope was out on a scene, I think. Her and that girl Madison she’s talked about before. She is Cherise’s daughter. Vince, head of security here. That’s his stepdaughter.”
“I remember him. From…Bonnie and Crispin.” Dom’s father. The irony wasn’t lost on Heather. Her family, Murdoch’s brother, Madison’s mother, Dom’s father. Why? Why had it been them out there? “Kimball came here, looking for people he knew. People who would care about what he had to say.”
People he could apologize to, maybe? It made a twisted kind of sense.
“He said Haldyn pushed Hope and Madison out of the van so they could get away. She said…Haldyn saw them running in the rearview mirror. Hope was alive then, Heath. She was alive and running away. Hope’s tough. Probably the toughest one of us all. She always has been, from day one. She’s our miracle baby, remember?”
Their miracle baby, born too early, blue and not breathing, and so damned tiny at just over four pounds. Heather had adored Hope from the first moment she had gotten to hold her.
She had promised to always take care of her baby sister. Always. No matter what.
There were tear streaks down her twin’s beautiful face.
“I know. The guys in Major Crimes, they’ll find her. They found Bonnie and Crispin. They’ll find Hope, too.” But Heather…she knew the odds.
Her sister was out there, bleeding from a gunshot wound.
Movement caught her attention. Too far away from the rest of the scene. Her hand dropped to her weapon. Steve had friends. She knew that far too well. And that meant…there were still threats to her out there. And Joy was right next to her.
She looked. A woman in a familiar forensics polo stood there. Waving her arms. Screaming.
Heather almost didn’t believe what she was seeing. Who she was seeing.
She grabbed Joy by the shoulder. “That’s Madison! That’s Madison right there!”
“There’s someone on the ground next to her.”
Heather just knew.
Heather and Joy took off together. Running. Like they had done so many things from birth before. Together.