Page 2 of Hurt in Her Eyes
She heard a man’s cursing, demanding to know why they’d had to do that to her, before the darkness just took her away.
She was in a vehicle. It was moving. That was the first thought she had when she regained her senses. Haldyn opened her eyes before she could stop herself. All she saw was dark navy carpet. She still had her glasses—but they were at an angle. She tried to catch everything the men were saying. It was hard. Her face hurt. Her stomach, where one man had kneed her. Another had his hands on her throat. Just stroking her skin. Rhythmically.
Caressing her.
Terror filled her even more than it had before. The way he was touching her…she fought the urge to vomit.
His hand came up. Something stuck to her skin, the side of her neck. “This might be an easier way. I learned with the last bitch we took that chloroform doesn’t work so well.”
He leaned down, wrapped his hand over Haldyn’s mouth and nose. He shook her. She tried to fight—but they’d secured her hands in front of her. “Go to sleep, beautiful Dr. Harris. When you wake, you and me—we’ll have some real fun together. I promise. What will good old Dan have to say then? Used goods aren’t so great, are they?”
Dan. Dan meant Daniel. The head of Major Crimes. Daniel would come for her. Haldyn knew it. As soon as he learned, as soon as Gunnar told him. Daniel would come for her. He wouldn’t stop until he found her. Neither would Gunnar, or the rest of Major Crimes. She knew that. She just had to hold on. Gunnar had seen what happened. Gunnar would get her help. She had absolute faith in those two men.
“The boss is going to be pissed we didn’t get them both. How often are those two bitches together?” another man with a deeper voice said. “Been waiting for days to get them when they were together, just to lose one like that.”
“How long does it take for this damned drug to work?” the one next to her—more cultured—said. She tried to concentrate, to ignore what his hands were doing.
“Don’t be pawing at her like that.” Older, gruffer. Less educated. Somehow—familiar. Haldyn tried, but she couldn’t place his voice—but she had heard it before. She knew she had. She just wasn’t good at identifying voices and never had been. “Cut that out. Get your filthy hands off of her. You some kind of sick pervert or something, too? Ain’t no fucking sense in that.”
“Just drive. I’ll do whatever the hell I want with her. Remember who’s in charge.” The cultured voice again. He sounded so cold. Terrifying. “You answer to me, remember?”
“Yeah, and we all know who you answer to, don’t we? Damned pansy. Not much of a man if you need to paw at a woman while she’s knocked out and helpless. Can’t you get some any other way?”
“That drug takes a minute or two. I’ve only known of it being used once. In that Eastman thing that went down. A friend of mine…played with it. Sped it up a bit. Your guess is as good as mine,” the deeper voice said. “Look at her. Damned bitch is fighting it. Didn’t think she had that much fight in her. The way she struts around all cold and stuck-up the way she does. Wonder why McKellen wants to tap that ass so bad?”
“The way she looks is probably a good enough reason for me. As long as a woman knows what to do in the bedroom, what does it matter how much of a cold bitch she is at the office? I bet this woman is a lot of fun behind closed doors. Her type always is. Like animals when no one is watching.” Cultured, again. That man…she hated him. The ice in his words, his hands on her. Haldyn tried to not think about what his hands were doing. She had to focus—to remember. So she could tell Daniel, and Gunnar, and the rest of Major Crimes. They would be coming for her. Daniel, Gunnar, Dom, Jake, Murdoch, even Jarrod would come for her.
Even though Jarrod despised her and she despised him.
She’d give anything to see Jarrod Foster coming for her right now, too.
Major Crimes would come for her. She knew it.
“I bet she has fire in her. Look at the red in that hair. Beautiful woman. Drive faster, asshole. Only takes fifteen minutes for what I want now. I have time.”
“Keep your fucking paws off her, damn it. I didn’t sign up to watch you do that to a woman.” The older man was angry. She could hear it. She knew she knew him. Haldyn tried to force her eyes to open again. But she couldn’t. “Have some damned standards. Ain’t no fucking sense in that. Can’t you get a woman without tying one up first?”
Her body felt like lead.
“Just drive, asshole. Just drive,” the cultured voice said. But his hands stopped. For the moment. As he argued with the men around him.
No. Not argued.
Gave them orders they didn’t like. But followed.
She tried to remember what they were saying, remember little details that might help identify them later. For Major Crimes. For Daniel. Daniel would come for her. Find her.
Daniel, and Gunnar—all the rest. They wouldn’t ever stop until they found her.
And Powell? Powell was safe. Powell had more resources than all the branches of the TSP combined, through her family. Powell and Powell’s three brothers—they would look for her, too. People would look for her. She knew that.
Haldyn told herself that as her body grew heavier and heavier. As she felt that one man’s hands stroking her neck, lower. She wanted to fight, but she couldn’t.
But her head…cloudy. She fought the drug. She couldn’t breathe. From the drug, from the man holding her down now.
There was nothing she could do to get him off of her. Nothing.