Page 30 of Hurt in Her Eyes
Retreat. He had to retreat, fast. He just had seen her walking away from him and hadn’t wanted that at all.
Hell, it was only five thirty.
Time to be honest with himself.
He’d wanted to spend the rest of the night with her. Just the two of them. Not with the Barratts, or Powell and Gunnar. Just the two of them.
So he could figure her out. That was what it was. Jarrod had always hated puzzles. She was the biggest puzzle he had ever encountered.
“Can you leave me alone? I’m going to go change clothes, then find Powell.”
Jarrod wanted to help her change. More than anything in the world, he wanted to flick those little buttons open and just spend hours enjoying her. Figuring out all her little ticks and quirks.
But why in the hell had he started this in the first place?
He honestly didn’t remember.
But when had she had time to let that hair down? It fell around her shoulders. She must have done it in the car, and he just hadn’t noticed.
She looked like she was ready to be thoroughly kissed. Waiting to be kissed.
Jarrod’s entire body tightened at that thought. “Why do you push my buttons more than any other woman on the planet? Answer me that, Doctor Devil Harris?”
“Because unlike other women on the planet, I see right through you?” Her hand spread over his chest. The touch scorched him through his dress shirt. “What…are you doing? What are you really up to, Foster?”
“Probably something damned stupid. You’re the scientist—what does the evidence tell you?” Jarrod slipped his fingers into her hair. The color. Why hadn’t he ever noticed how bright it was? How like satin? It caught the damned light from the window behind them. Her eyes were wide, almost innocent. Aware. She was feeling the same fire he was. Jarrod would bet his next month’s salary on that. “Tell me, Doc. When a man gets this close to a hot woman, what do you think he wants?”
She wet her lips. He could feel her trembling against him. Hell, she was destroying him. Completely destroying him.
If he didn’t kiss her right now, he wouldn’t be able to breathe again. It felt just that damned strong. “Hell, Doc, I just can’t seem to help myself. I think you have cast a damned spell on me. That’s the only answer.”
Big blue eyes looked up at him, soft and beautiful and so damned perfect. Shocked. “You probably shouldn’t…”
“I think this is something we both need to figure out. Just…kiss me back. Just kiss me back. We’ll analyze it all later.” Jarrod just said to hell with it. He pressed his mouth to hers, catching the little gasp.
He had known this woman for several years. Long ones. Dramatic, trauma-filled ones. And in all that time, he had never considered just how perfect her mouth looked.
Not even once—until this very moment.
He for damned sure hadn’t imagined how perfect her mouth tasted.
A man…couldn’t imagine how perfect her mouth tasted. He just had to experience it for himself. Jarrod pulled her closer. His hand settled at the small of her back, though he wished he had the right to drop his hand lower—but he didn’t have that right.
Never had he regretted that more.
She hadn’t pushed him away yet. Or slugged him. Both would be equally viable results for this little experiment of his.
Instead, she pressed closer.
Hallelujah, Haldyn pressed closer.
Jarrod wasn’t a fool—he was going to take advantage of that fact. Fast.
He slipped his arm further around her waist and shifted her, until every inch of her front was pressed to his. Every beautiful feminine inch of her.
He pulled back to take in a breath.
He couldn’t just scoop her up and devour her. That was insane. He just didn’t work that way with women, and he for damned sure doubted super-prissy little Dr. Haldyn D. Harris would ever allow some random guy to just devour her. Not her.