Page 68 of Hurt in Her Eyes
"Heather, Murdoch, Mig, Jake, Charlie, Sean, and Mike."
It took her a moment. But she put it together fast enough. "Kids. They all have children now. Very young ones."
"Dan, Gunnar, Dom, Lila, and I don't. But Heather could have died tonight, babe. I saw those baby Heathers today, and their mommy could have died tonight. And it brings it home." Then he was right there, his hands wrapped around her waist. Haldyn found herself pulled closer to his chest. Her cheek fit just perfectly on his shoulder. His hands cradled her close. "Sometimes, this job is just too damned much. Heather has those baby Heathers. And all those super scary Coleson coven women. Miguel has his three kids. Charlie has Rory and those babies and the Charlotte demon. I…"
He swore. Held her even tighter. "I don't have much of anybody. Not that's not TSP anyway. Mel, Brynna, their dad. Gabby. But we aren't as close now as we once were. But I think that's the natural order of things. When people marry. Have...families."
"You don't have a family?" She knew very little about him, really. They’d just…never learned about each other. Maybe if they had, they wouldn’t have argued so much before.
"I have two brothers. Wylder and Maxton. Max’s in Nevada, and Wyl's in Arizona. We see each other every couple of years. We email. Don't even call or text. Too busy. My mom may be out there flitting from guy to guy still. But I don't have a clue. I have the guys of the TSP. And I have my place. But I'm not missing it that much right now."
"I have my two sisters, Daniel and Powell. Powell’s family, a little. I don't have anything to do with my parents."
"So I've figured out. You can tell me why if you want. If's up to you." Then he...just sort of scooped her up. Carried her to the big chaise chair next to the window in his suite. Where they could see the moon and the stars. And...the glass of the windows above Houghton's monstrosity of an indoor pool-slash-water playground. It was a different kind of place they were in now. Haldyn looked out the window. To the gardens next to the pool’s garden entrance.
There was movement there. In the dim light, she recognized the two young women. Zoey's sister Pen, and her friend Grace, who looked so much like Haldyn's own little sister, Blake. That resemblance was what had her not moving away. Blake and Reid seemed so far away from her now. "He broke my arm."
Jarrod's arms tightened around her. Haldyn was trying to ignore the fact that she was sitting on the man's lap, his arms holding her, and her head pressed to his naked shoulder. "Your father."
"Yes. The day I met Daniel. I was sixteen. Reid wasn't yet eleven. And she had burned his breakfast. He was angry. He was late, and he wanted to make a good impression. Because of his new partner's father. He and Daniel had been partners for only a few days.”
"Some father. I have my opinions about Daniel McKellen, Senior."
"So do I." The fingers of her left hand trailed over his chest. He had very little chest hair. His skin was smooth and hard, and his chest was beautifully muscled. She could stay there forever, really. And just...feel him. "He was going after Reid. And she was terrified. I came into the kitchen when I heard him yell. I always protected them, you know? Blake was seven. I put her in the closet and told her to stay there until I came for her. And I tried to get between him and Reid. Again."
She paused as she remembered. "I don't even remember the door opening. Just that there was a young guy there in a patrolman's uniform, standing in our kitchen. He was so handsome. And strong. And angry. I was so afraid of him. Afraid that he knew."
"Go on. I'm assuming since he was handsome it was Daniel. I've heard you ladies of the lab think he is beautiful and everything. Most beautiful man in the TSP or something. Either him or Gun."
"He is. Especially in a tuxedo." Daniel had that elegant polished thing that she had always loved. did Jarrod. When he wanted to. But she had always been able to sense that there was a caged animal resting beneath. "Daniel had gotten out of the car to come in and say hello to his new partner's family. I don't think my father was expecting him to do that. He was stressed over the change. Detective Kimball had been his partner before. And they worked well together. Were really good friends. But there this guy was, standing in our kitchen. Just in time to see my father hitting out at me with a glass soda bottle. He liked the old fashioned soda that came in bottles. And he was hitting me with it. I raised my arm, and my arm broke. And...Daniel erupted. Just erupted. No one had ever defended me before. I always defended my sisters—but no one protected me. Until that day. Daniel became my hero in that moment."
If Jarrod ever saw Gordon Harris, he was going to shove his fist down the man's throat without hesitating. The hurt in her eyes would stay with him until the day he died. He tightened his hold. His fingers tangled in her hair, just at the back of her braid. Like silk. She was like silk, and she was his to protect now. "I would have erupted, too."
"Daniel ended up with a broken hand. He told his boss he fell on his way in. I don't know what my father told his superiors, but he filed for his pension that afternoon. And moved out. He was terrified of Daniel, and the power Daniel's father had. Daniel called his supervisor, told him he was going to the ER and would be in late. To take it up with his father if he had a problem with it. That is the only time I know of him ever using his father's influence at all. He took me to the ER. Daniel handled everything. And he told my mother my father had to leave, or he'd see to it that she went to jail. So, my father moved out. The instant my youngest sister graduated, my mother moved back in with him. And showed my sister the door. For eight years, my mother pined for the man who had hurt her children. I never understood that. I probably never will. They…were still together. He just lived elsewhere."
And that was why she seemed so alone. His heart broke for her. Completely. "And you met Powell in college?"
"Three years later. We hated each other instantly. Had a lot of stereotypes back then. We were young and very...ignorant. That hate lasted a week or two. But now, she's my family. She is, and Daniel. My sisters. That's it. I envy the Barratts, sometimes. And...Heather's family. Seeing them all together today. She was so different with them. More open. Trusting. Less afraid."
He had thought he was the only one that had noticed. "Afraid of what? What could possibly terrify that woman? She has fangs and poison death glares."
"She does not. And she's incredibly afraid. You can see it in her eyes in a crowd sometimes. Especially of men. I’ve seen that look before. Or maybe she just hides it so well that you guys just don’t see it."
They weren't talking about Heather. At least, not only talking about Heather. Jarrod got that. She was revealing more about Dr. Haldyn Devil Harris to him now than she ever had before.
He wasn't ever going to betray that trust. But maybe they both needed to be held tonight. Jarrod shifted her slightly. Or maybe she shifted at that same moment. Somehow, lips met.
And he just held the woman he wanted, right there next to the window. Moonlight falling around them.
Erasing away the memories.
He didn't know how long they sat there. Until she'd drifted off in his arms, certainly. Jarrod just stood and scooped a mostly sleeping Haldyn into his arms and carried her to his bed.
Where he just held her. That was all.
He didn't even kiss her.
He just held her.