Page 10 of Savage Protector
“Oh yeah. We’re stocked here for months. We’ll probably be giving this stuff away when we get this bear in the next week. How’d last night go?”
“Last night?” A flash of Baily’s nipples pebbled under her shirt stiffens my cock. “Good. No issues. I’ll be out of here as soon as the plow comes through.”
“Great. Hudson has been in touch with the local librarian. He’s hoping to get some maps so we can get the area surveyed in case the tip with the Keller property doesn’t pan out.”
Usually, I’m the one who’s giving everyone direction. It’s hard to be so far away from the job. Then again, I can’t wait to go back with these fish and stare at Bailey for the rest of the night. The view is much better than the one of my brothers back at that cabin.
“Sounds like you guys have a good handle on everything. I’ll be back as soon as the roads are clear.”
“Stay well.” My father groans and hangs up the line. He’s never been an overly talkative man, but he does have a way with people that makes everyone feel at ease… everyone but his children.
A tug comes onto the line a few minutes later and I reel in my first catch of the day. A lake trout. He’s on the smaller side, maybe around seven pounds. A few more of these and we’ll be set for a few days. I can always come back down if we run low.
I fish for another few minutes before my phone vibrates again. This time I don’t want to answer. It’s my buddy, Geno, Bailey’s father. I contemplate what I’ll say, but nothing sounds good enough, so I let the call go to voicemail… only for him to ring again. God, maybe he knows something.
What’s there to know? We didn’t do anything.
All I’ve done so far is protect her from the elements and make sure she’s safe and sound here at the cabin.
“Hey, buddy. What’s going on? Everything okay?” He’s a cop, so I’m sure he senses the tension in my voice.
“Ah, yeah. I’m stuck out on Ridge Road. Was on my way up to check on Bailey and the snowmobile quit on me. I swear I do more work on this thing than riding it. I was wondering if you had anyone in the field that you could send over to help.”
“I can make a call. We’ve got a couple of guys who might be able to help you with your sled. As far as your other concern, I’m actually over at Bailey’s right now.” My heart stops as I talk.
“You are?” His tone stiffens as he says, “Why? Didn’t know you two knew each other.”
“We don’t, really. She needed a ride home from the bar last night, and by the time I got us back here, the storm had kicked in. We’re waiting it out now.”
He pauses, then speaks with what sounds like anxiety, “Fuck. Well, at least I know she’s safe with you. I was worried about her. She gets freaked out in the storms when she’s snowed in. Don’t ask me why a girl with a fear of being alone decided to live out in the middle of nowhere, but she did.”
“Ah well, she’s not alone now.”Why did I say it like that?“Anyway, I can call the old man and see if he has anyone available where you’re at, but I’m thinking he called everyone in with the storm.”
“If you can. I think I’ll start walking in the meantime. I know a guy a few miles away who can help out that doesn’t have a cell phone, but I was trying to avoid the whole deep snow thing.”
“Why don’t you let me call you a rescue?”
“Too dangerous. It’s my own fault. I dragged myself out here, so I can get myself back. Thanks for keeping an eye on Bails. I’m glad you’re there.”
I haven’t done anything wrong, but guilt settles in anyway. “You got it, man.”
“Oh, and she likes playing cards. If she starts to lose it, that might help.”
If Bailey were here to listen to this conversation, her eyes would be rolling back in her head. Something tells me that girl doesn’t want to play cards. “Got it. Send me a text when you’re back home.”
“Will do, man. Stay safe.”
“Same, buddy.” The line disconnects and I go back to pulling fish out of the water while I contemplate every thought I have running through my head.
Bailey’s nipples, the sounds she made last night, the way her lips felt against mine, the innocent way she asks to be touched, the guilty look on her face this morning when she’d dreamt about us together. She didn’t confirm it, but I’m not sure she needs to. I had the same dreams. The same feelings. The same ache between my legs. That said, if it wasn’t clear before, hearing Gino’s voice confirms my thoughts. She’s off limits.
The ice cracks and a cold breeze blows across the lake. I glance up to gauge the direction of the wind from the treetops, but there in front of me is something much more pressing.
Fifteen feet away, standing on the ice is a grizzly bear, the one we’re here to hunt. The animal’s mouth opens, its teeth bare, and a growl releases loud and hot.
I pick up my gun from the ground and stare at the creature, aiming to kill.
This is what we came here for. This oversized, menacing beast. He’s presented himself to me as though he wants this to be over too.