Page 20 of Savage Protector
Heat swells within me at the thought of what the future for us could be. A house full of kids, a little ranch of our own, holidays with laughter and love. “What about your brothers?”
“We’d go back to visit. They’d come here. We’ll make it work.”
Tears streak down my face. “Really? You’d come all the way here for me?”
“Easily.” He leans down and kisses my lips gently before lifting me from the ground. “Now let’s get you inside and rest that ankle. I have more trouble I need you rested for later.”
I lean my head against his shoulder and fall into his arms like I never have with anyone. My dad will come to his senses, and we’ll iron things out. It’s what we do. But right now, I’m going to enjoy every second of falling in love because love with this giant, feels really damn good.
Two Weeks Later
“Okay, these Alaskan dudes need to go home.” My best friend Ruby calls as I stare down at the plans Rowan drew up to expand the cabin. He’s spent the last week and a half putting them together and I love every single thing about them. Three additional bedrooms, a second bathroom, and an expansion to the living room and the kitchen. It’s plenty of space for us to grow into. “I get that you married one and you’re all in love and stuff, but the rest of them are assholes.”
“How so?”
“Well, the big one with the gray beard and the flannel came down to the library yesterday demanding maps of the mountain.” She clears her throat. “Demanding!”
“Did you have any?”
“Yeah, but that’s not the point. I don’t owe him anything!”
“Maybe he was just asking.”
“Okay… so you’re impossible to talk to now.”
“Sorry. I know they suck.”
She laughs. “You don’t have to fake it. I like Rowan. He’s a good guy. I’m sure they all are deep, deep, deep, deep down, but maybe they could show it. Did you hear about Hudson getting into a fight at the bar last night? Apparently, he got into it with Mr. Keller about trespassing. That’s why they want the maps.”She gasps. “Oh, not only the maps, but he wants a guide to take him out there and Mrs. Robinson suggested me, because apparently, I camp all the time?” Her tone is angsty. “Haven’t camped in years, and when I go, I stay at the park. I’m not…no!I’m just not.”
“I’ll talk to Rowan and see what he knows. I’ll call you later.”
“No, don’t do that. It’ll sound like I’m complaining. I’m not complaining, really. I know the bear needs to go and I’m thankful they’re here. I just… oh, your dad. He stopped me at the market yesterday to show off pictures of the wedding like I wasn’t there. Seems like he’s done a full three sixty.”
Ruby’s all over the place, all the time. I love it. It’s what makes her, her.
“Yeah, he’s feeling better… I think. He has his moments still, but he’s been really supportive for the most part. Why don’t I invite Hudson to dinner tonight? You can come too, and we’ll smooth things over and get you guys on the right track.”
She clears her throat. “Umm… nope. I think I’m good. There’s nothing to smooth over. Do you know the weird thing is, I think he’s following me.”
“What? Maybe you could’ve led with that?”
“Yeah, well, I saw his truck outside my house the other day and again at the diner.”
“Let me talk to Rowan, or at least let me tell my dad. If he’s following you, someone should stop him.”
“It’s fine. I’m probably crazy. Really, I don’t even know why I said anything. Shit! The delivery guy just got here. I have to intake these books. Call me later. Love you!”
“Love you, too. Text me immediately if he comes around again.”
She agrees and we disconnect the line.
“Everything okay?” Rowan meets me at the table.
“Yeah, I think so. What do you think about your brother, Hudson?”