Page 11 of Hunted and Kept
I lift my hips and grind against his face, thumping and sweeping upward against his beard as his tongue works my clit.
“Good little girl,” he groans. “Come in my mouth. I want your juices on my tongue. I’ve been thinking about it for days.”
The thought of him sitting in his truck somewhere watching me and touching himself makes my clit throb harder.
“I almost came earlier thinking about you,” I mention through panting lips.
“What did you think about?” he growls into my pussy, sending vibrations through my core.
I swallow hard and lick my lips. I’m not good at dirty talk. It’s a fantasy I have, but the thought of doing it is intimidating.What if I sound stupid?That said, I brought it up, so I have to say something.
“I imagined I was sitting on your lap, bouncing for you. You were watching my tits move. I saw the way you looked at them earlier. I know you like them.”
He deepens the thrust with his finger. “I love these thick pussy lips, little girl. Come for me, and then you’ll come again on my lap.”
I bite back a moan and grind against his face as an orgasm rips through me, tingling my frame from head to toe. My neck arches back as Hudson bites my clit and growls.
He bit my clit!
Pleasure that once was amazing, turns to euphoria and I jerk against him violently as though I’m having a seizure. I’ve never felt anything like this.
He grips my hips in his big hands and holds me tight against his mouth, lapping me up, teasing the last bits of excitement out before kissing my thighs and making his way back up onto the bed next to me.
His tone is low as he says, “Fucking hell, little girl. You taste so good.”
His leather hand lands on my face, and he rolls toward me. I want his cock. I want him so fucking bad.
“Don’t leave.” His tone is much lower than it’s been. “Stay here with me. I’ll take care of you.”
I look toward him, and that sense of safety and warmth stays steady. “I love that fantasy, but you have to leave too, remember?”
He sighs heavily. “You don’t feel what’s happening between us?”
I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t. “This feels great, but it’s not real. Real life is complicated and shitty, and people are mean and unpredictable. Eventually, we’ll be a mess like the rest of them. Then what?”
He brushes his thumb back and forth on my cheek, staring toward me like I’m missing the biggest piece of the puzzle. “The real stuff is what I want. If it’s not messy and shitty sometimes, then it wouldn’t be worth it.”
The light in the room is dim and I can’t see well, but I stare for what seems like forever. It’s not until the sudden release of warm water between my legs that I look away.
Of course, I just pissed myself! Fucking great!I read about this in pregnancy books, but I didn’t think it would happen to me, especially since we didn’t actually have sex.
“You okay? What’s wrong?” He’s noticed my face change. He studies me as he starts feeling the sheet between us. “You’re soaked. Did your water break?”
“What? No, I’m weeks away from delivery.” My face heats and I look away. “The baby pushes on my bladder sometimes and I—”
“No, this is more than that. I think your water broke.”
While I’d love for that to be the conclusion to this horribly embarrassing moment, I know it’s not. I’m just thirty-six weeks pregnant. I have four weeks left, and I still have to find a place to settle before the baby comes. It’s not time. As I tell myself this, pressure increases in my abdomen and my stomach tightens.
I glance toward Hudson. “I can’t be in labor.”
His lips land on my forehead and he stands from the bed. “I’m going to call the emergency line and grab what we need to deliver just in case. I need you to stay here and don’t move, okay?”
I nod in agreement, but I don’t agree. All of me wants to jump up, grab the suitcase I’d packed, and head for the door, but the pain pushing down on my stomach is enough to keep me in place.
How did this happen?There were no warnings. I was having an orgasm a second ago, and now I’m in labor. If this is some sick lesson from the universe, I’ve heard it loud and clear. I shouldn’t be having fun.
Fun is not for me.