Page 20 of Hunted and Kept
When we’re alone in the kitchen, Ruby stares up at me with a sweet grin that reminds me why I love her so much. “What?”
“Nothing. I just needed to be alone with you. My mom offered to take the kids tonight so we could do whatever. What do you think?”
I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. “I think that sounds wonderful. What did you have in mind?”
“Don’t be mad, but what if…” Her tone heightens as she says, “What if we go down to look into that private investigator stuff you were thinking about? We could have dinner, make a business plan, and see where it takes us.”
I look down and away before glancing toward my girl again. “I love you, sweetheart,” my hand cups her soft face, “but you know we’re busy as hell here. The kids, the farm, and I’ve got a house I’m working on out on the ridge. I don’t have time for that right now.”
She looks down. “I knew you’d say that. That’s why I already drew up the schedule. You could take cases in slowly and we could work together.” She raises her brows. “You do everything for me, Hudson. I really want you to have your dreams too.”
I draw in a deep breath and lean into her forehead, kissing her gently. “I know you’re trying to help, and I appreciate how much you care about me and my dreams, but I mean it when I say you’re it. You, this family, and what we’re building here… this is all the action I need. I promise you. Let’s have dinner tonight, then you can be the bad guy and I’ll cuff you.”
Sun filters in from the kitchen window and reflects off the red in her hair. She grins wide and tips up onto her toes for a kiss. “That’s a plan I can’t refuse, but I want you to know this other one is here too, if you want it. We’ll make it work.”
I tip her chin up and lean into her lips, holding the kiss for a long while before finally letting go.
I’ve let instinct drive my life, and so far, it’s working. Hell, if I hadn’t joined the family business or come out here to Rugged Mountain, I’d have never met Ruby, I wouldn’t have these two beautiful babies, and I wouldn’t be the happiest I’ve ever been. Sometimes, things don’t make sense in the moment, but you know deep down you’re doing something right.
Turns out, hunting Ruby was the best instinct I ever followed… and keeping her is only the beginning.
Chapter One
Atlas knocks on the window and cups his giant hands to peer through. He’s a massive man, covered in ink, with a long salt and pepper beard. According to my new friend Lainey, I should let him do more than work on my roof.
If this were a fantasy land where fantasy things happened, I’d agree. I should let him do all kinds of things to me. That said, we don’t live in a fantasy land. We live here, on top of a cold, pine laden, rugged mountain.
I walk toward the window and lift up the pane, wrapping my robe tighter to block the cold air that’s filtering in. “What’s wrong?” I bite. “The kids are still sleeping.”
He groans low under his breath as though I’ve annoyed him with my comment and he’s working hard to keep pleasantries. “You’ve got mold on your roof.”
“Okay… so take it off.”
He laughs. “If it were that easy. You’ve had a leak up there for a while. The damage has spread to the attic. You’re going to need a professional removal.”
“How professional? Like expensive professional, because I tapped myself out to fix the roof. You never said anything about mold.”
He closes his eyes and huffs. “No one could’ve seen the mold unless they looked in that attic and I wasn’t looking atthe attic. I was looking at the roof when I quoted you. I can fix it cheap, but it’s still going to run you five hundred bucks for supplies.”
“I can’t afford that, so… leave it there I guess.”
“Mold? You want me to leave black mold in your house? You know that shit spreads, right? It can make you sick. Don’t you have kids here?”
“Is this some kind of guilt trip or something? I said I don’t have the money! And why are you talking to me through a window? The door is three feet away. You could come through the house like a normal person.”
He glances sideways at the front door then back at me. “Am I clearing the mold, or do you prefer to get your family sick?”
What the hell is this guy’s problem? He might make his money on guilting other people, but he can’t trick me. Though, it’s mostly because I couldn’t afford it anyway.
“I’ll fix it myself.”
“Boards and insulation need to be replaced. You’ve got that on your own?” His brows raise as though I’m some incapable woman. “You know I gave you a bottom barrel price, right? I’m not charging you for time, only for materials.”