Page 13 of Evading Darkness
Seb is the one who fields the requests for our services. Most of the time, Barrett is able to compile enough information about them with his hacking skills, but on occasion, we receive a request from someone who keeps a lower profile. Seb meets these clients face-to-face so that he can get a feel for their vibe. He goes into these meetings masked, dressed in black jeans, a long black-sleeved shirt, and leather gloves to keep himself unidentifiable. Seb is careful and calculated and will always ensure he’s doing everything he can to protect his family. Family is everything to us. Once we found each other, we clung on and never let go.
"I'm fairly certain the girl is heading to the falls. We're ready for her, right?" The excitement is seeping through me. I can't wait to have her closer.
"Did something happen? This isn't her normal behavior," he asks. Here he goes with his questions.
"She ran out of the house, all upset. I think she and her boyfriend got into a fight. He most likely won't be looking for her right away. I'mtailing her now. She just pulled into the park."
Seb takes a minute to think before saying, "Him being upset with her could definitely work to our advantage. We can get her secured in the room before anyone even realizes she’s gone."
I smirk at his mention of that. Soon I’ll be able to watch her while she's sleeping.
"I can meet you in the parking lot at the park. I'm only a few minutes away. Do you have everything we need?"
"Of course, I have it. I haven't left the house without it since you told me it was fair game to take her." I look over to the passenger seat and see the mask, leather gloves, and drug-filled syringe sitting next to my black hoodie.
"Good. I'll call Barrett and let him know we are moving forward so that he can disable any cameras in the area and wipe the last hour off of them," he tells me, like any of it makes a difference to me.
"See you in a few," I say, hanging up and tightening my hands on the steering wheel as I pull into the parking spot next to her car. His priority is the cameras; mine is the girl.
She is already out of view by the time I pull in. She must have really needed to get up there to clear her head. Soon enough, whatever she’s trying to process won't even matter. She will be locked in a room under our pool house until we decide the best way to use her against her father. Gabriel really fucked up when he decided to go back on his word with us.
I grab my gloves and slip them on while waiting for Seb. A few minutes later, he pulled in and met me at my passenger side door.
"How do you think we should do this?" he asks as I toss him the hoodie and grab the syringe.
"I will slip into the backseat of her car and wait for her to leave. The element of surprise might work best for us. That way, she doesn't have a chance to fight."
He nods. "True. We don't know how she will react when her survival instincts kick in. I'll head to the falls and try to be as creepy as possible. Maybe we can speed up this process, so we don't have to wait so long." A mischievous grin spreads across his face.
"Got somewhere to be?" I ask him curiously.
"I just want this shit done so we can get our payment. If word gets out that we let someone go back on their deal, bad things could happen."
"If you say so," I tell him.
“Barrett said her phone’s location is showing it’s still at her house, so we don’t need to worry about making sure it’s off,” Seb says while putting the hoodie on.
“Even better.” I smile.
“Let’s get this over with,” he mutters before walking off.
He’s always in a bad mood anytime she’s involved. I tried to keep most of the watch duties between Barrett and me, but we can't do it all. I shrug and move to take my place in the back seat of her car, being careful to take the top off of the syringe so I was ready for herto make her grand appearance. Who the hell doesn't lock their car doors? You are just asking for trouble, little wanderer.
I placed myself behind her driver's seat and laid down on my right side. It's not the most comfortable, but I won't have to shift my body as much when I lean up to surprise her. Some time passed, and I heard footsteps leading up to the car. Whoever it is, it sounds like they are breathing heavily. It's showtime.
The door to the car whips open, and she rushes to lock the door behind her. As soon as the locks engage, I slide my body into a sitting position. Her eyes flick to the rearview mirror after she hears me move, and they almost bulge out of her head. Before she has time to react, I lean forward and shove my left arm between the seat and the door, wrapping it around her chest. She feels so warm, and her body distracts me for a brief moment. This is the first time I've been able to touch her after watching for so long.
She tries to rip at my arm, bringing me back to the task at hand. I raise my right hand up and plunge the needle right into the upper part of her arm, making sure to inject her with the entirety of the drug. It won't hurt her, but it will put her under for quite some time. She might wake up with a raging headache, too, who knows. She continues fighting it for a few minutes, which surprises me, but eventually, she succumbs to the drug and goes limp. Her head begins to fall forward, and I catch it with my hand, bringing it gently to the side so she doesn't hurt her neck.
After securing the lid back on the syringe’s needle, I put it in my pocket and hopped out of her back seat. I open her door and wrap my arm around her to lift her bridal style. Her head flops onto my shoulder as I move her from one vehicle to the other, sending a rush to my heart. Her body naturally wants to lean on me. She looks so good in my arms with her head tucked into my chest. I don't want to put her down, but unfortunately, I do.
I slide in with her once she is secured in the back seat. Seb makes his way around to my front seat and nods in my direction before starting the engine to drive us back to our place. We can come back and pick up his car later. We don't know how long she will be out, and the last thing we need is for her to wake up while driving.
I watch as she lies there, sleeping, with her head nestled in my lap. She looks so peaceful. I know that as soon as she wakes up and realizes she's not where she’s supposed to be, her peace will be replaced with fear. I wonder what kind of reaction she will have upon waking. Will she immediately go into victim mode, yelling and screaming for help, or will she take it all in and internalize being strategic?
The way people respond to a crisis says a lot about them. She doesn't strike me as the kind of person to be weak. Personally, I’m hoping she's the strong and strategic type. There are too many weak women out there in the world. It would be nice to be in the company of a strong one. I know Barrett would likely enjoy the fear, though. The sick bastard gets off on the fear and pain.
Growing up with a father like Gabriel, I can assume he prepared her for a situation like this, whether she realizes it or not. After he went back on his deal with us, the guys and I did some research on Gabe. There isn't a lot of information out there that Barrett doesn't have access to, no matter how discreet it's supposed to be. He’s good at what he does.