Page 18 of Evading Darkness
Feeling brave, I make myself right at home by walking over to the bar and grabbing the first bottle of top-shelf whiskey Isee. I need something quick to calm my nerves. I pop the top off and bring the bottle right to my lips, downing a few swigs. The man's eyebrows raise, and he laughs. Gesturing the bottle towards him, I ask, "Want a drink?"
"No, but please continue to help yourself." His eyes never leave me with every move I make.
I grab a glass and pour myself a hefty amount before sauntering over to the chair across from him and sitting down.
Wasting no time, I jump right into what I want to know. "Who are you?"
"There it is. I'm surprised it took you this long to ask with how calm you've been over the last week."
A week. I've been here a whole fucking week in that room. Sipping on my drink, I try my best to continue the conversation and hopefully steer it in the right direction. "I wasn't in the mood to talk."
"Clearly," he says. He knows I'm up to no good. "I'm Kyler, and while I'm sure you have a bunch of questions to throw at me, we aren't going into specifics today. We're here to swim and unwind since you've been cooped up in that dark room for so long. If today goes well, we can fully discuss everything you want to know." I open my mouth, but he interrupts me. "I grabbed a few swimsuits for you to choose from unless you don't want to wear one. The choice is entirely up to you, but you're getting in that pool today one way or another." With a wink, he sets the shopping bag in my lap.
Pullingthe first swimsuit out of the bag, I see that it has a black thong bottom and immediately dismiss that option, tossing it to the side.
"Damn, I was really pulling for that one," he says while chuckling.
The next suit is red with white polka dots. The top is your standard halter top, and the bottoms are just classic bikini bottoms, though they still appear to be a bit cheeky. The last one in the bag is the one that ends up being my winning choice. It's a navy-blue suit with high-waisted bottoms and a spaghetti-strap top. It's the least revealing of the bunch, and even though my tits will be fully on display, I don't mind. Part of me thinks I should reconsider the thong suit strictly because I might be able to lull him in with my body, but my D cups will have to be good enough for the job. With the way he’s been acting around me, I doubt I even need to try. I can tell this one will be wrapped around my finger in no time.
"Where can I change?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize it’s a stupid question. There’s no way he’s letting me out of his sight, even if it's just to go into a bathroom. My question goes unanswered. He just leans back in the seat, lifts his leg to place his ankle over his knee, and puts a hand behind his head, grinning like a damn fool.
Take a breath, Callie. Don't let this man rattle you.I decide to go for the bottoms first since the shirt I am wearing hangs down a little over my ass. I drop my leggings and underwear and go to slide my suit bottoms up over my leg, but I'm feelinga little wobbly. Apparently, I drank too much whiskey to calm my nerves because I manage to fall right onto my ass, exposing everything to him that I was trying not to. Quickly, I rush back to my feet and finish pulling them up before turning around to rip off my shirt and put the top on as fast as possible. I glance over at Kyler and see his gaze transfixed on me.
He stands and pulls off his shirt, revealing his tattooed chest and abs that I could wash clothing on. Intricate designs swirl around one another, weaving a story that I am so curious to unravel. He grabs his belt and pulls it free from his jeans in one swoop, sending a jolt of electricity right to my core.
"Should I set this aside for later?" he asks while eyeing me curiously. Before I can answer, he chucks the belt to the side and strips down to only a pair of dark grey boxer briefs. My eyes roam to the bulge between his legs. "If you keep looking at me like I'm a snack, I may have to give you something to eat."
Fuck, he did not just say that to me. I avert my eyes and stare out the window, so he walks up to me and grabs my hand again. "Come on, little wanderer. Let's go swim."
The pool is a long rectangular-shaped inground pool with stairs on one end and a hot tub area on the other. I slowly walk in until the water rises above my shoulders. There is a small ledge around the entirety of the pool that allows you to sit inside the water, so after a few minutes, I prop my ass on it and take a moment to enjoy the warmth of the sun on my skin. Water is my safe space, and even though it's not the same as the falls, being here allows me some time to forget my reality.
My thoughts drift to Julian and Avery. Are theylooking for me? I'm still unsure of how I feel about Julian and his lies, but I miss Avery so much. She must think I ran off even though I promised her I wouldn't.
Kyler cannonballs into the pool, splashing water all over me, and I scowl at him. "I thought the whole point of you bringing me up here was so that I could enjoy myself outside of the cage you have me in," I shout out.
"Oh, that's what you thought?" He swims over in my direction. "What if I told you the real reason, I brought you up here was so that I could see you in that." A finger points to my swimsuit.
"If that's the reason, then I would tell you it's a waste of time because we both know there are cameras in that room, and if you really wanted to, you could see me any way you want." He positions himself in front of me between my legs that are dangling off the ledge.
"That's true, but it's not the same. I wouldn't get to be this close to you." His fingers trace along the infinity symbol on my wrist that I got in memory of Maxton. I knew there were cameras. At least he confirmed my suspicions on that. He lightly grips my jaw and turns my head until our eyes meet. "You like it when I'm close to you, don't you?"
I swallow hard. Do I like it? My mind is telling me no, but my body is telling me a whole different story. Thinking about what this man could potentially do to me has my body on fire. He slowly trails his finger down my neck, across my collarbone, andinto my cleavage. I take a breath as he pulls his hand away and slowly leans down, using his tongue to trace up the same path his finger just took. My eyes close, and my head tilts to the side to give him better access to my neck. When his lips finally meet mine, I allow them to part and let him in. What starts out slow becomes more passionate. His hand weaves itself into my hair, pulling my head back and leaving me gasping for air.
"I think you like it when you don't have control. You like the idea of being held here against your will by a strange man. You're so willing to give yourself to me. Tell me, Callie, if I wanted to take you right here, right now, would you fight me? Would you let me fuck that sweet pussy?"
Would I? The honest answer is yes, even though I don't think he would take it that far. He pulls me back into him for another devouring kiss, his tongue sliding inside of my mouth, causing me to moan in approval.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," he says before swimming away. My body feels colder at the loss of him. What the hell is this man doing to me? Am I developing some sort of Stockholm syndrome?
We swim for a few more hours before I notice a second man appear from the house. He is a little taller than Kyler, with sleeves of tattoos going down both his arms and along his hands. I can’t quite make out what they are. His hair is dark brown and clipped short on the top with a fade along the sides. I don't have time to pick up many more of his features because as fast as he appeared, he disappeared.
"Who was that?" I ask, but again, my question gets ignored.
"Come on, let's go eat," Kyler mutters in my direction.
I hesitate as he pulls himself out of the pool and reaches down to lend me his hand. We walk to a nearby chair to pick up the towels before making our way to the sandwiches in the pool house. I quickly grab mine to eat it, not even looking to see what it is. Letting myself starve won't accomplish anything.
Kyler sighs and looks up at me. "I really hate to do this, but I have some things I need to handle this evening, so when you're finished, I have to take you back downstairs."