Page 20 of Evading Darkness
"I thought she was ok. I honestly thought she was with you and that she would come home when she was ready so we could talk," I admit.
Avery sighs. "Well, she's not here. I have no idea where else she could be because my best friend's shitty fiancé just told me she's been missing for a week. You know, unlike you, I actually care about her safety. What if she’s hurt or something. We literally would have no way of knowing because you waited a fucking week to check on her."
"Her phone is here, but I have an idea. There is a tracker in her car. I should be able to log in to the app and see where it is,” I say.
"You put a tracker on her car? Again, you wonder why I don'tlike you. You're literally a psycho. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she didn't agree to this tracker being placed. You're really out there being a creep and watching everywhere she goes. What the fuck asshole!"
"Look, I know there are things she hasn't told me about her childhood. I'm sure you know everything since you apparently know her better than me, but I wasn't sure what sort of demons were in her past. I did it as a precaution. If something ever happened to her, like right now, I would have a way to find her. I'm not watching her location all the time." I walk into my office to grab my phone and pull up the app. "It says she's at the supermarket. The one downtown."
I'm a little confused as to why she would go there and who she’s actually staying with, considering her best friend is on the phone with me, and she isn't with her.
"Come pick me up before you go to her. If she’s pissed at you, she most likely won't want to see your face. I can check on her and find out what's going on," Avery tells me.
"I'll come get you, but I'm not letting her out of my sight until she talks to me. It was one stupid fight. Be ready and waiting outside your house. I'm leaving now and will be there shortly."
I pocket Callie's phone along with mine and grab my keys to head out the door. The sooner I get a chance to talk with her, the better. I haven't been able to calm my nerves since Avery told me she's not with her. What the hell am I going to do if she is actually missing? I need her by my side.
My driveis quick, and Avery slides into my passenger seat without a word as we make our way to the supermarket. I pull in and drive around until I find her car parked in the midst of all the others. We wait a few minutes for her to come out of the store after noticing her car is empty, but after about 20 minutes, she still hasn't come out. I find myself getting impatient. This cheap tracking app only gives the vehicle's location, so I have no way of knowing how long she has been inside.
"I'm going inside to find her," I say and throw my door open to head into the store. The passenger door slams behind me, and I turn back to see Avery walking a few steps behind me.
"You didn't think I was going to let you go in alone, did you? If Callie doesn't want to be around you, I won't allow you to force her to stay."
We walk up and down the aisles, all while watching the tracker on the phone to make sure it doesn't move.
"I don't think she's in here," Avery says, and then I catch her saying something under her breath that I don't think she wanted me to hear. "She left without me."
I spin around, placing myself right in front of her. "What did you say? Left without you?"
She sighs and starts walking around me, out of the store. "Fuck, look, it's not my place to give specific details, but before coming here, Callie never stayed in a town longer than a few months. If her car’s here, then she most likely jumped on a bus and left town. She's not stupid, and we won't find her unless she wants us to."
"The Callie I know would never leave me without talking to me first." The frustration in my tone is evident.
"You didn't know everything about her, Julian. You know the Callie she WANTED you to know. That doesn't make it the real her."
Is it possible that I don't know my girl? There's no way. I drop Avery off back at her house and head home to try and formulate some sort of next step to figure out where she is. She has no money, no phone, no car, and no job. There has to be something I’m missing here. I refuse to believe she just up and left me over one silly fight.
Chapter 14
I'm back in this little cell, sitting on the bed, staring off into space. He kissed me. I can still feel his lips on me, trying to devour a piece of my soul. I bring my finger up to my lip and gently rub it as I get lost in thoughts of the kiss. Not long ago, I would have never wanted anyone to kiss me besides Julian. He hurt me, and that set off a string of events that led me here to this very moment.
I should feel bad about kissing someone else. What kind of person does it make me to admit that I enjoyed another man kissing me when there is a man who is probably frantically searching for me at this moment in time?
My fingers continue tracing over my lips as I think about the moment he grabbed my hair. Nobody's ever touched me like that. It was gentle yet demanding, like no matter what I tried to say, he was going to take what he wanted from me. He had complete control, and I was all too willing to surrender it to him.
Kyler seems like a nice guy, similar to Julian, but he has a dark side to him to balance out that sweet side. That's how my brain is internalizing this whole situation. I see the two of them withso many similarities that I make excuses that it's all ok. Julian turned out to be a liar. Is Kyler also a liar? I don't want to stick around long enough to find out. My priorities are getting myself out of here, finding a way to contact Avery, and moving on to the next part of my life.
I need to figure out exactly where I am, considering I have no idea. We could have driven 10 miles down the road or 10 hours when they took me. I have no way of knowing. I noticed from being up at the pool that there don't seem to be any other houses nearby. They likely don't have close neighbors, so that option is out. Why would they take that risk just to have someone call the police?
My thoughts drift back to Kyler telling me he thinks I want to be seduced by my captor. He's not wrong. There’s something about him that I'm drawn to. I find myself hoping he stops to visit me in this hell hole tonight. I'm telling myself it's so I can keep trying to sway him into catching feelings for me. Even as I think that I realize the lines have started to blur on my end. He's been a constant thought since the first night here.
There's nothing to do in this damn place. My mind is too fucked up right now to read or write, so I have resigned myself to my own personal workout plan. It involves walking in circles in this small ass room, and well, nothing, that's it, I'm just walking in circles. I'm pretty sure I've done close to 200 laps at this point when I hear someone speak through the room. "If you keep walking in circles, you’ll get dizzy."
"Kyler?" I question.
"Not Kyler, princess, but I'll be sure to let him know you're staying active."