Page 35 of Evading Darkness
"Her friend Avery has been very persistent that she wouldn't leave town without her. Someone has her. There's no way she’d be able to avoid cameras for this long. She's good at being invisible, but she's always messed up somewhere along the way."
"Barrett," he says under his breath.
"Who the fuck is Barrett? What aren't you telling me?" I say.
"Fuck, I don't know why I didn't consider them sooner. The Monroe brothers. I hired them to kill your father," he says.
"Why would the hitmen you used to kill my father take Callie?" I ask.
"Because at this moment in time, they did the job for free," he confesses as he runs a hand through his hair.
"You didn't pay them?" I can't believe he would risk something like that. He should know those kinds of men are ruthless. He shakes his head no and sighs, which pisses me off. "So, it's your fault all the progress I made in the last year blew up in our faces? You blamed me for losing her, but it was really all because of you."
He steps toward me, pointing his finger in my face. "Listen here, boy, you may have some power now, but you will not disrespect me in my own home. Don't forget I put you where you are right now. I gave you that power. I run this place, and I can have you removed just as easily as your father was."
Fucking prick. He ruined everything, and now I have to figure out a way to pick up the pieces and put them all back together.
Once he gifted me his daughter on a silver platter, he was always a means to an end. I planned on marrying her, having our children, and then offing the bastard. We will have the bloodline secured, and I’ll convince the council to let me run Rogue in the interim while my son grows up.
"Tell Soren to look into the Monroe brothers. One of them is a very experienced hacker, so you may need to motivate Soren to be better," he utters while walking back to his desk.
"On it." I pull up my phone and shoot him a quick text to look into the men, adding that if he doesn't find a way to locate them, then his wife may have a surprise visit from someone on the guard.
"I’m willing to bet they’re keeping her close, so if we find them, we find her. It won't be easy to get her from them. We’ll need to strike when they aren't expecting it."
"Soren is the best around. He’ll get the job done," I reassure him.
"For your sake, you better hope he does because without her back in our hands, neither one of us will get what we want. Find her, Damien." His eyes narrow before he focuses back on his paperwork.
Oh, I’ll find her, and when I do, she will pay for making me look like a fool in front of her father.
Chapter 24
That dumb mother fucker. I should’ve known not to trust him. He threw me back in this damn cell, and for what? I told him exactly what he wanted to know. How the hell is it my problem that it's not the outcome he expected?
He made me sit there and relive every single excruciating moment of Maxton's death. I thought he was at least an honorable man and expected him to follow through on his side of the bargain. Go figure, I was stupid and trusted someone I shouldn't again.
I really need to call Avery and let her know I'm ok. I do the only thing I can even think to do at this moment and start pacing in circles around the small room. FUCK! Being back in this cell is the last place I want to be. Who knows how long I'll be down here this time or if they’ll even let me out.
He thinks I was lying about Maxton, which makes no sense. Why would I say he was dead? If he was alive, I’d be with him right now and not trapped in this shit hole. I never would’ve had a run-in with them at all because we would’ve been off somewhere, living our lives under the new identities like we planned outside of Rogue.
The weight of everything crashing around me is almost too much to bear, so I walk over to the bed, curl myself up into the smallest ball possible, and just let myself feel all the things.
I hate being weak, but I decided to grant myself tonight to be upset, and that's it. I need to get it together, put on my big girl panties, and reset my priorities. No matter what I do or say, they will always treat me like a disposable transaction.
Thoughts of Maxton are fresh in my mind as I remember the feeling when his hand slipped from mine. I remember the gut-wrenching pain of driving away from him and never being able to go back. I'll never be able to go to his gravesite and visit him. My mother lying on the ground in front of me flashes before my eyes again, too. She’s covered in blood all because she tried to talk some sense into my father.
He didn’t care when he realized he shot her. He used her the same way these guys are using me. At this moment, I feel small. I feel helpless. I feel numb, and I cry until I lose track of time and finally fall asleep.
I'm woken up by movement at the end of the bed, and I smell him before he speaks. "Wanderer, are you ok?"
"You should go back upstairs. I'm done entertaining whatever bullshit was going on between us. That ended the moment you let your piece of shit brother throw me back into this room and did nothing to stop him," I spit out.
He stands up and walks toward the top of the bed to look down at me. I can't see his face because the lights are out, but his voice is firm andsecure.
"You’re cute when you’re mad. Are you done with your little temper tantrum?” I can tell he’s grinning, and it pisses me off more.