Page 41 of Evading Darkness
"I have a bit of a proposition for you if you are willing to hear me out," I say, trying to make it sound like something he would want.
"Whatever this proposition is, it better result in you bringing my whore of a daughter back to me." Okay, now I'm pissed off. How dare he talk about her like that!
"I’m going to tell you exactly what’s going to happen from here on out. Your daughter is MINE. She is mine to use, mine to fuck, mine to control, and do whatever I goddamn please. You owe me a payment, and I’m cashing in. I know who my father was, and by blood, I am a member of Rogue. I want in, and I want a seat on the council. You remember that vacant seat you hired me to kill for? I want it. I will marry your daughter, and she will continue to be mine. Your other option is for me to send her back to you in pieces."
"You have my attention, Sebastian. What exactly do I get out of this?" he questions.
Ofcourse, he wants something. Callie said he doesn't care about her. I didn't believe her, but this fucking guy is a real piece of shit.
"You get yourself a nice opening into our world. My brothers and I have made a name for ourselves. Not to mention, your daughter has been hiding from you for years now, right? I imagine your people are probably wondering where she went. Here’s a nice, pretty bow to explain it all. She went out on her own and fell in love. You were going to marry her off anyway. At least this way, you gain some power from our world at the same time."
"You expect me to believe that after all this, all you want is a marriage to my daughter?"
"I don't want your daughter Gabriel. She is just a nice piece of ass that will sweeten the deal. I want my place in Rogue. I want the power your world can offer me."
I’m trying so hard to sell this to him, but he is being more cautious than we expected him to be, so it's time to put the nail in the coffin.
"I suggest you take my offer because, like I said, the only other option is her death. She’s the last of your line, correct? Your little heir that you plan on using to breed and continue your family line? Tell me, Gabriel, who takes over once I rip out her pretty little throat and use it as a straw?"
"Fine. We can meet later this week to further these discussions. I will be in contact to set up a time and location."
I can't believe this is working. He might actually take this bait.
"I’m so gladthat we’re able to come to an agreement. I look forward to hearing from you." With that, I hang up and look around the room at everyone. That seems like it went pretty well.
Callie speaks up first. "He's lying. He's not interested in making this deal with you. I guarantee he knows that you know he killed Maxton, and you just told him exactly where I am. He has all the power and information yet again." Kyler walks over to her to rub her back and calm her down.
Barrett speaks up to console her. "Princess, he won't find us. I have this whole house on lockdown. There’s no way he is getting to you."
"What's done is done. Now, we wait and see what he does in response. He’ll either reach back out, or we will sit down and discuss further options," I tell her, but the look in her eyes has me questioning my decisions yet again. I don't like what this girl is doing to us.
Chapter 28
The days are all beginning to blur together now. It's been nearly a month since we spoke to my father and almost three months of being here with the guys. This place is starting to feel more like home every day. Kyler and Barrett still take turns spending time with me, but it's less out of necessity and more because they want to be around me. Some days, I go down to the pool, and others are spent in the gym. Occasionally, we take a lazy day and watch movies. Snuggling up on the couch, sandwiched between the two of them, makes me feel safer than I've ever felt in my life.
I've gotten pretty good at kickboxing. I'll never be a world champion, but I have enough skill now that I should be able to defend myself if I need to. Barrett is an amazing teacher. He’s so patient and loves showing off the things he's good at.
Lately, he's started letting me sit in the security room with him while the guys are away on jobs. Seeing him at work in his element is extremely impressive. He has it all down to a perfect science: which cameras to pull up, the buttons he needs to erase things, the keystrokes needed to hack into just about anything. I knew he was skilled, but being up close to witnessit shines a whole new light on his true talent.
I've been going crazy being cooped up here. Having free roam of the house has been way nicer than the cell under the pool house, but I need to see something besides the boundaries of this property. Not being able to go beyond the gate is the only thing that reminds me I'm still here as their captive, although the lines are definitely blurred. I want to be here now. I don't even recognize the person I've become since they took me. I feel lighter, softer.
I've called Avery a few more times. She's a little pissed at me because I won't give her specifics on where I am, and I always keep the calls less than five minutes, but she’ll just have to get over it. I can't put her in any more danger than I already have.
She's been telling me about her newest love interest or interests rather. Her free spirit won't allow her to be tied down to one person, so she found two people to obsess over. According to her, the only thing better than one person giving her orgasms is two. I can't exactly tell her she's wrong.
Julian didn't take the news of our breakup being final. When Avery told him I wasn’t taking him back, he refused to let me go. He's been harassing her nonstop about how to get in touch with me, to the point where he showed up unannounced at her work. He's acting like a total psycho. I wish he would just leave her alone and move on.
The guys and I have been discussing what to do since my father hasn't reached out. We’re all torn on what the right choice is,but the clock is ticking, and we need to decide something soon.
I've learned so much about the Monroe brothers over the last few weeks. Kyler has opened up to me the most, telling me about what it was like for him in foster care and a few stories about Ms. Monroe. Those boys really gave her a rough time, from what they've told me, but I think she really loved them like they were her own. Kyler speaks of her with nothing but respect.
I wish I was able to meet her. I wonder if she would approve of me. Would she approve of me being with both Kyler and Barrett? Ky is my sweet psycho, and Barrett is my escape from the pain. Can I really claim them as mine, though?
Barrett hasn't let me in as much as Ky has. He lets little pieces slip out here and there, and that's enough for me. When he's ready to tell me his story, he will, and I have a feeling it will break my heart. Under all his layers is just a sweet soul trying to escape the damage inflicted on him.
He's helped me process the pain I've been carrying with me all these years and given me a way to reform it. There’s power in pain, and fully embracing it is the best way to ensure you keep all of your power. I hope he opens up more to me soon because I am silently begging for him to let me in. I trust that he will.