Page 49 of Evading Darkness
Damien (Julian)
My phone vibrates inside my pocket. Looking down, I see Soren calling, and it better be with good news this time. Not bothering to endure the pleasantries, I jump right to the point, "Tell me you've got something."
"Oh, I've got something. I know exactly where they are and exactly how to get her out. You were right. All we had to do was wait for them to fuck up."
Yes! This is what I've been waiting for.
"Perfect. I'm booking a flight and will be back at the compound in a few hours. I want you to meet me there to discuss all the details and specs in person. The sooner we get this done and over with, the better." I hang up and immediately dial Gabriel to let him know we found his precious little girl.
"You better be calling for a reason, Damien. It's been three months, and my daughter is still not back here where she belongs."
"I was calling to tell you we found her. Soren and I are meeting at the compound later tonight if you’d like to join us and find out further details. If all goes well, she should be back with us within the next 48 hours."
"I don'twant the details. This is your mess to clean up. Do what you need to do, Damien, just get her back here."
"Of course, sir. I’ll let you know as soon as I have her, and we are en route to you."
"Yes, sir?"
"Don't fuck this up again. This is your last opportunity." My last opportunity. I want to tell him to eat shit, but that isn't going to give me the power that I need, so I'll play his fucking lacky just a little longer.
"Understood." I hang up and pocket my phone, driving straight home to pack a quick bag and get to the airport. There are always flights to Nashville every few hours.
When I pull up to the airport, the worker at the flight desk advises me that the next flight is flying out in two hours. That's perfect. I shoot a quick text to Soren, letting him know what time to meet me at the compound to put together our plan, and he confirms almost instantly. Now I wait.
If I had known before she went missing that playing the Julian role would lead to this much of a mess, I would never have gone through with it. I would've grabbed her as soon as I found her and taken her back to the house, maybe chained her to my bed until she learned her lesson for running from her fate. How fucking stupid on my part.
Giving her the idea of freedom was only ever supposed to be a game, but I let it go on for too long. I got caught up in being her little saving grace and the idea of her entire soul being crushedwhen she found out the truth. Getting her back is going to be worth it. With any luck, she still doesn't realize who I really am.
After a few hours of plotting and planning how I intend to make her pay for every minute she's been away from me, I pull into the compound and meet Soren in the main building. We go into a small conference room and get to work on the plan to go get my future wife and bring her back where she belongs.
Soren immediately jumps in, starting the conversation. "Just like we suspected your wife to be has been shacked up with the Monroe brothers. I didn't know for sure until recently because it was always just them every time they left the house. They fucked up and took her out in public this week. My software flagged her face, and I was able to have a member of the guard get what I needed so we can infiltrate their house. You said you wanted to make sure you’re the one to bring her back to Gabriel, right?" I nod at him in approval, completely in awe that, for once, someone was able to listen and do their job correctly.
"The house is on complete lockdown with no way to get through the gate. Whoever set up their security is almost as good as I am, but I'm better," Soren tells me, but I don't care about any of that.
"Get to the point," I cut back at him.
"I was able to get the access I needed, and we have the full capability of coming and going right through their front gate without them ever knowing anything is out of order. If we’re smart about it, we should go in the middle of the night with a smallteam when they’re asleep to ensure they don't see us coming."
The idea of busting into their house and grabbing her out of her sleep sends a thrill right to my bones.
"They won't get their usual alerts when someone breaches their gate because I was able to override it. As long as we don't wake them when we pull up, we should be able to completely surprise them. Get in, take her, and get out. Whatever we do outside of that while we’re there is up to your discretion."
I consider both options but decide to tell him it’s best to not make enemies. "We don't need to make any more enemies than we have to. If we can get in and get her, that is all I am worried about. The Monroe brothers are Gabriel's problem. If anyone gets in the way of the goal, we use whatever force necessary to get her out of there."
We go over a few more details of our plan, like what time and how many men we’ll be taking with us, before deciding we have all of our bases covered and call it a night. Tomorrow night we will go get her, and my little bitch will be exactly where she is supposed to be. Her father can get off my back and life will go back to normal.
I still can't believe she's been with those fucking brothers this whole time. I'm sure they’ve been keeping her in a cage somewhere or using her like a dirty whore. After doing whatever Gabriel plans with her the first few nights, the first thing we will take care of is getting her a doctor's visit setup. I have to make sure all is well with my property afterall.
From there, I’ll move forward with the wedding, and all the other plans for her will fall into place. I'm sure she’ll fight us throughout the process, and God, I hope she does. She let me into her mind while I was playing the part of Julian, and I know she has at least one weakness- Avery. I will use that cunt against her if I have to. I never liked her to begin with. She always knew something about me wasn't right.
Even if Callie had listened to her, it wouldn't have made a difference. I just wouldn't have had the chance to play my game with her mind. She was always destined to end up back in my grasp.
Callie will marry me, and she will make me a father. I don't give a fuck what happens to her after that. I'll have the next in line to raise at my side. Once my son is secured, I'll kill her and her father if I must.
It’s ironic really. Her father put all these plans in place to make sure that he had an heir to take over once he dies, but what the dumb fuck didn't realize is that by giving himself an heir, he’s signing his death warrant.