Page 7 of Evading Darkness
When I went to open the door, I realized it was locked, which was unusual. I've never noticed it being locked, so I'm unsure why it would be now. I'll have to ask him about it later.
I decided to head back into the bedroom instead and arrange myself on our bed, laying down with the covers off and his shirt trailing just above my center. I snap a picture of the hem of the shirt and my exposed thighs and send it to him, letting him know what he is missing out on this morning.
Smiling to myself, I realize that being a tease is kind of fun. I might have to do it more often. The rest of the morning flies by as I finish my coffee, make myself a snack, and shower to make myself presentable for brunch.
Pulling up to Maria’s, I see Avery standing out front waiting for me. She’s wearing her short blonde hair in half-up, half-down space buns today. Her shirt is a vibrant mixture of colors that match her blue eyes. I trail my gaze down to her pants, the signature bell bottoms she likes to wear, and smile. Avery has always been a little eccentric with everything about herself. She is a free spirit who loves to go along with whatever life throws at her.
Maria's has been our go-to brunch spot since we met. Early on, we decided we needed dedicated girl time each week to update each other on everything we didn’t want to say via text. Sometimes, I think it's all just an excuse to indulge in the bottomless mimosas, but I don't mind because I love spending this quality time with her.
After exiting the car, I ran over and wrapped my arm around Avery's.
“I’m so excited we can finally catch up,” I say, and she rolls her eyes at me.
“Cals, we wouldn’t need to catch up if you just told me what was going on when you texted me last night.”
I try to resist the urge to smile at her smart remark. Walking up to the hostess stand, I noticed Emma was working today. She instantly recognizes us and tells us she will make sure we get ourfavorite table. It's the little one in the back corner, away from everyone and next to the emergency exit.
I catch Avery giving Emma a look that I can't explain, but a moment later, the look is gone, and she is back to herself again. Emma went to school with Avery, and there has always been some sort of weird vibe between them that I could never put my finger on. Oh well, it’s not my business. If Avery wants to tell me about it, she will. Maybe after the few mimosas I plan on having today, I'll ask her about it.
A few minutes later, Emma lets us know our table is ready, and we can head over to it. Maria's is not a fine dining establishment if we compare it to places in big cities, but for our small town, it perfectly fits the vibe.
The rustic decor is lined with windows on one entire wall and a bar with bench seating stretching across the other. The wall with windows has a row of tables and chairs, each seating four people that can be pushed together, if need be, for larger groups. There are two booths at the back of the building with the emergency exit placed between them, which can each seat four people if you squeeze in, but sitting with two people is more comfortable. We made the one by the window our go-to spot.
We sit down in our usual chairs, mine being the one that has a full view of everyone and everything happening in the room. It's a habit I can't seem to break. I’m never able to let myself feel comfortable if I can't see what's going on around me at all times. Another reason I like the table next to the emergency exit is ifRogue were ever to find me, I have my escape route. The server walked over to give us our menus before taking our drink order and walked away to give us a few minutes before ordering our food.
"So…" I start to say.
Before I get the chance to tell her the news, Avery grabs my hand and wrenches it up between our faces. Eyes almost bulging out of her head, and she says, "Um, excuse me, what the hell is this?!”
I giggle. “Well, that’s why I wanted to meet you for brunch." Shrugging, I lift my hands up and say, "Surprise, Julian and I are engaged.”
Her face shifts to concern. "Callie, I don't want you to get the wrong idea here. I’m really happy for you IF this is what you want, but I'm not going to lie. I'm a little worried. Things between you two have been moving so fast, and there are parts about you he doesn't even know yet. Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Honestly, I’m a little overwhelmed, and I don't know how to feel about it. I love Julian, really, and I’m happy and excited, but you're right. There are things he and I haven't talked about. I'm just terrified once he finds out, he won't want anything to do with me."
"Babe, if he really loves you for you, then that shouldn't be a concern at all. I still get weird vibes from him, though, full disclosure. I know we've talked about this before, but some of the things he does just don't feel right to me."
"I hearyou, and I will be careful, but I haven't seen that side of him. He's never been anything but kind around me. It's actually a little disturbing how much of a perfect gentleman he has been."
"Okay, if you're happy, then I'm happy. I just don't want anyone hurting you. You’ve been through too much already."
"That's another thing, Avery. I really want to talk to you about some stuff. I think telling you may be a nice trial run before telling Julian," I say nervously.
"You know you can tell me anything." The look of concern on her face assures me that she’s telling the truth.
"I want you to be safe, and I can't guarantee your safety if I tell you what I'm about to tell you."
"Jeez, Callie, are you being hunted by some freak government group that plans to use your organs on the black market or something?"
"You know, I really worry about where your mind goes sometimes, but no, I am not being hunted to be harvested for my organs. It’s serious, though, and I need you to tell me you really want to know because if the wrong person finds out you know the truth, you could end up living your life on the run just like I’ve been for all these years."
"Listen bitch, I thought we already established that if you have to run again, I'm going with you. You're my ride-or-die, and there's nothing you can tell me that will scare me away at this point. Spillit."
Looking up at her, I see the expression on her face. She’s serious. Avery is the closest thing to family that I have left in this world because I'll be fucking damned if I ever consider my father "family" ever again. I take a few deep breaths and give myself a moment to really consider if this is something I'm ready to do. These secrets have been a weight on my shoulders for six years now.
"Okay, promise you won't freak out and commit me or report me to the police or anything crazy?" I want her to know the severity of all of this.
She narrows her eyes. "Enough with the theatrics Callie, spit it the fuck out already."