Page 48 of No Perfect Love
And that’s when I lose what little bit of temper I have.
“You let her think I left?” I don’t shout or yell. Nor do I step into the bedroom. In fact, I stand in the doorway, my hand clutching so tightly around my phone that I feel it start to bend in my hand.
“You should probably leave now, before I do something I’ll regret… and Avery will kick my ass over.”
Chris smiles at me, like he hasn’t just done the unthinkable. Liam, on the other hand, has the intelligence to grab Chris by the hand and pull him off the bed. He even gives me an apologetic smile. “She just got out of the shower. I hadn’t gotten the chance to tell her you’d be right back. Even though…” He stares at me pointedly. “You took way longer than a few seconds.”
With that, Liam pulls Chris out of the room and I finally turn back to see Avery, a complete and utter mess. She has tears on her cheeks, and her hands are knotted in the front of a very familiar shirt.
“I see you’re putting my shirt to good use.”
Even with all Avery’s curves, my shirt still swallows her whole, and she couldn’t be more beautiful if she tried.
“You didn’t leave to get back at me for abandoning you with my underwear on your face?”
“No.” I laugh. “I feel like maybe I should be insulted that you’d think that. I understand your hesitance to trust me, though. I wanted you that night, Avery. You’re the one who left. I don’t play games. I don’t play around when it comes to sex, and I sure as hell wouldn’t leave after getting to be withyou.”
I’ve just about had enough of this shit, too. Something about Avery drives me crazy and makes me want to have her in my arms at the same time.
“Date me, Avery?”
Her eyes widen almost comically. “What?” She sits down on the edge of her bed and puts her hand on her chest like she belongs in an old movie. “What?” When she starts floundering, I almost feel bad for her. Almost. But she hasn’t said yes. Yet.
“We’re not kids. You know exactly what I mean. I want to date you. Take you out to eat. Make plans. You know, all that stuff.”
Avery stares at me like I have wrapped Christmas, her birthday, and every other holiday all into one package and handed it to her on a silver platter. At least for a second, but then all the hope and joy in her eyes vanishes, and the walls I’ve seen before are back in place.
“No,” I snap at her. “We’re not playing that game again. You don’t get to close off like that again. Not when I told you I want to be with you.”
She gasps, taken aback not only by my tone, but by the fact that I’ve invaded her space and wrapped her face in my hands.
“You’re mine, Ms. James. You know it, and I know it. Hell, Chris and Liam know it.” I kiss her. “Your mom knows it.” Another kiss. “My mom knows it.” And another. “Everyone who knows us knows that you’re mine. You’re the only one who’s fighting it.”
Avery closes her eyes, trying to escape the only way she can. “Shut up.” She doesn’t struggle or move out of my hold though. Instead, she turns and presses her cheek into my palm.
“I thought you left,” she admits. “When I got in the shower. I really thought that you left to get revenge for what I did when I stole your brother’s truck. And then I’d have to retaliate. I don’t know what I could do to top that last one, though.”
Snorting seems like the wrong thing to do, but I have to do something to get her out of her own head. Especially since I can see the wheels turning. I can see her searching for a hole in my logic, in my plan to date her.
“There’s no hole for you to find,” I tell her when her eyes shutter again. “Nothing for you to tear apart. I know you, Avery James. And what I know, I want. All of your craziness. All the psychotic behavior that you try to hide. When you have to get bailed out, I’ll be there. But I really hope you don’t make me do that. At least not for the first few months that we’re together. I’m gonna have my hands full with Lucas as it is.”
Speaking of Lucas, I have to tell Avery about my phone call with Chief Townsend. Then I can get back down to the business of getting her naked and underneath me again. We have a long night ahead of us, and I have a spare uniform in my truck.
I let go of her and sit down next to her on the bed, interlacing our fingers. “I can’t work the Zucker case,” I tell her. “Since Lucas is going to be in my care, I can’t investigate the abuse.”
Avery sighs. “I know. But I’d rather have him safe with you. I know the other officers are good. I mean, I’ve known most of them my entire life. I just… I panicked when I had to make that call, and you were the first person I thought of. The first one I knew I could trust with him. With my feelings for what had happened.”
I listen to her pour her heart out, realizing that all the events of the day have caught up with her, with both of us. Even as I crave her body under mine, I know that what she needs isme.
“Hey.” I grab her hand. “Put on some pants. I’ve got an idea. When you’re decent, come to the living room.”
Avery watches me go. I can feel the intensity in her gaze when I open the door and close it behind me.
“Chris!” I call his name loudly, knowing that he and Liam are probably eavesdropping again. I’m proven right a few seconds later when he sticks his head around the corner from the office.
“What do you want?” He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously.
“Get some pants on if you don’t already got ’em on. We’re gonna order pizza and watch a movie. Avery and you have no doubt had a shitty week. We all have. And I think she needs company. You’re her person, so Liam’s gonna have to give you up for her to cuddle on if she wants it.”