Page 22 of SEAL's Target
Callie didn’t know how long she’d be in Hawaii. She didn’t even know if Wyatt was interested in something long-term.
At the moment though? She felt as excited as a teenager crushing on her first boyfriend. Wyatt’s thick fingers held hers, and his voice filled with eagerness. “We’re almost there,” he said. “That water is going to feel great.”
“Yeah. It looks so peaceful and refreshing. I’m surprised the other hikers already left. I guess we took so long eating they headed back.”
“There’s more to explore, I’m sure,” he said, scanning the area. “This spot is pretty incredible, so I’ve stopped here at the waterfall all the times I’ve hiked down. Maybe someday I’ll explore more, but this spot just can’t be beat.”
“Do you bring many women here?” she couldn’t help but ask.
Wyatt looked at her, his gaze serious. “Not a single one.” She blinked in surprise, and his expression gentled. “I told you there’s something different about you, Callie. I suppose I could date more, but I’m a busy guy. I haven’t met someone who was worth putting in the effort for—until now.”
She squeezed his hand. “I’m glad you brought me here.”
They moved over to a flat area, Wyatt finally releasing her hand as he shifted both of their backpacks down to the ground. The picnic blanket was neatly stashed inside his, and he’d packed up the remaining food and drinks in the small cooler. He arranged the blanket again so they’d have somewhere to sit, moving their backpacks to the corners to help weigh it down.
“That waterfall is incredible coming out of the rocks like that. Mother Nature is amazing,” Callie said, looking up from their vantage point now that they were standing at the level of the lagoon. The breeze ruffled her strands of hair that had fallen loose, and she smiled, feeling the sun heat her cheeks.
“Isn’t it cool? It almost looks like someone detonated explosives to carve the rocks that way,” Wyatt said with a chuckle.
Callie frowned, a distant memory flickering through her mind.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, immediately seeming concerned. “Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Callie shook her head. “No. It’s fine.” She stared at the rocks a moment, trying to recapture the thought, then glanced over, noticing he’d paused in unpacking his towel and was watching her. “It just reminded me of something, but I couldn’t place exactly what,” she explained. “It’s like I had a memory of it, then just as quickly, it was gone.”
“I probably shouldn’t have mentioned explosives,” he said, looking chagrined. “The hijackers said they had a bomb on the plane.”
“Yeah. It probably reminded me of that,” she said, worrying her lip. “I’m sure you talk about explosives and various hazards all the time in your line of work. Traveling around, I’m more worried about pick-pockets and the like. It’s not too often I’m anywhere near a bomb threat—or ever, really,” she said, her voice trailing off.
Wyatt stood, tossing his towel to the ground. “I’m sorry for bringing up bad memories.”
“You didn’t,” she assured him. “I still have nightmares sometimes, weird dreams where I don’t even know what’s real or what’s imaginary.” She shivered, despite standing in the warmth of the sun. Looking back at Wyatt, she blinked away the wetness in her eyes, and then he moved closer, folding her into his arms for a hug.
“You’re strong as hell, Callie. Just remember that,” he said as he stepped back.
She instantly missed his warmth and touch but knew he didn’t want to frighten or crowd her. They were safe here in the middle of the forested area, and it was silly for her to be upset on such a picture-perfect day, with Wyatt at her side. While part of her wanted to cling to him, basking in the security of his arms, flush against his muscular body, she had no right to need such things. Wyatt wasn’t her boyfriend. This was basically their first date. She’d probably freak him out if she ever told him about the nightmares she had. Most women didn’t come with all that baggage. Callie was moving on, getting stronger each day. Wyatt had already gone out of his way to help her, and she didn’t need to burden him any more with her troubles.
“Do you still want to swim?” he asked gently.
Her gaze flicked back to Wyatt, and she realized she’d been lost in her thoughts. “Of course. We’re here at the waterfall, aren’t we?”
Callie sank down onto the blanket and began unlacing her hiking boots. After a beat, Wyatt joined her. She liked sitting side-by-side. They weren’t talking at the moment, but it was a companionable silence. Comfortable. She was also eager to take a dip in the lagoon. Briefly, she wondered what he’d think of her in a bikini. She was slender and fit but didn’t have huge breasts, which some men loved. She was just...Callie. Average. She grabbed her flip-flops and towel as she stood, wondering why she’d even bothered with the sandals. She’d have to put her boots back on to hike out.
Callie pulled her tank top up and over her head, revealing the pink string bikini top she had on beneath. She could feel Wyatt’s eyes on her, but he quickly continued changing as well. He turned, tossing his tee shirt onto the blanket, and she could see the rippling muscles of his back. He was tanned and toned, nothing but smooth male flesh over all that muscle. Callie hadn’t once felt frightened being alone with Wyatt today. She trusted him. Normally, she wouldn’t ever consider rushing off on a secluded hike with a man she hardly knew, let alone stripping practically naked to swim in a secluded lagoon. She had on a bikini, but still. Some guys might try to take advantage of that. Instinctively, she knew Wyatt would never hurt her.
She pushed down her shorts, and then glanced over as he turned back, flashing him a smile. Wyatt’s gaze flicked over her, clearly appreciative of the string bikini she wore. He didn’t leer though, just took her in. “Race you to the water,” she teased. And then Callie was jogging away, listening to Wyatt’s mock-protest behind her about getting a head start. There was one area of the lagoon that was shallower, leading to the shore, but the water was deeper near the waterfall. She stopped before jumping in, astonished by the beauty of the place, but Wyatt didn’t have the same hesitation. With a big splash, he landed in the crystal blue water, looking back and grinning at her once he surfaced.
“Come on,” he said, holding out a hand. “The water feels great.”
She eased down to the side of the lagoon, letting her legs dangle in the water. Wyatt was already moving toward her, his eyes hot as he took her in. He schooled his expression, and then he was standing right in front of her, glistening drops of water rolling down his tanned skin. She could hear the roar of the waterfall behind him, the birds chirping in the trees, but she swore that all of her senses were focused on the man right in front of her.
“Callie. You can swim, right? It’s not deep anyway.”
“I can swim.” She’d barely finished her sentence when Wyatt’s hands wrapped around her waist. She squealed in surprise, and then he was lifting her into the water as she laughed and clung to him. “Oh my gosh, it’s warm.”
“Of course, it’s warm. We’re in Hawaii.”
He set her down but didn’t release his grip, just held her in the balmy lagoon. She searched his gaze, her hands moving up his chest of their own accord. Wyatt was built in a way most men would envy—washboard abs, broad pecs, and shoulders she wanted to cling to as he lifted her into his arms. Heat washed over her skin, and she felt her heart racing. They stood there a moment, seemingly lost in one another, and then Wyatt was ducking down, moving slowly as if to give her a chance to move away.