Page 24 of SEAL's Target
“Sea, air, and land,” she said.
“Exactly. The training is brutal, made to weed out the guys who couldn’t make it on the teams. It’s hard,” he admitted. “I’m sure all the guys had days where we thought we’d never make it through.”
“But you did.”
He huffed out a laugh. “That’s true, and here I am, stationed in Hawaii. Not bad for a guy from Maryland who couldn’t wait to leave his childhood behind.”
“I’m sorry it was difficult for you.”
Wyatt lifted a shoulder. “It wasn’t the worst. Some guys don’t have a family at all. Hudson grew up in foster care. We’re his family now.”
“Do you ever see your family?” Callie asked. “Your parents are still alive, right?”
“They are. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been home. I try to call them on Christmas. Usually. We’ve been in the field some years.”
He nodded. “It’s a rough career. All of the guys on my team are still single. Somehow, people make it work though. Some of the SEALs you saw back in Manila? They all have wives or girlfriends.”
She nodded. “Right. I remember one of them was with Olivia, the woman I met on the plane.”
“That’s Havoc.”
She looked at him questioningly. “I know that’s his nickname. What’s his real name?”
She smiled. “And he’d rather everyone call him Havoc?”
“I suppose so. Olivia calls him Owen.”
“Huh. I don’t think she ever mentioned his name. I met her right before we boarded that flight. I should text her sometime. Anyway,” she said, changing the subject. “What’s your nickname?”
“Wildcard,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m not too wild anymore, but the name stuck. I’d say we all had our reckless days when we were younger.”
“Ah. But you’re older and wiser now,” she teased.
“I’m old enough to know something good when I see it.” A hint of pink spread across her cheeks, and Wyatt moved closer, pulling her in for a soft kiss. It felt even more intimate now than when he’d kissed her in the lagoon earlier. Callie opened to him, her body relaxing against his. Hell. He’d love to strip her bare right here, touch and taste all of her.
He pulled back.
“We should go slow,” she said, suddenly looking nervous.
“We will,” he promised. “That’s why I pulled away. I can’t help my body’s reaction, but I didn’t want to scare you.” She hastened a glance down at his swim trunks, and Wyatt felt his dick twitch. “Just ignore it,” he said. “I’ll have to as well, otherwise it will be hell trying to hike out of here.”
She giggled, then apologized.
“Don’t be sorry,” he said with a smile. “I love hearing your laughter.”
“Should we head back?” she asked a couple of minutes later. “We’ve got to change and then hike all the way to the car.”
“Probably so. Next time we’ll get an earlier start. Like I said, I was waiting around to hear if we’d be called into base for some training. I’m glad you were up for a late picnic lunch with me.”
“Me too. This was fun.” Callie’s eyes shifted to the waterfall as they moved toward it. “You go first.”
He chuckled. “I’ll go first.” He took her hand as he led the way, and together, they swam back out into the lagoon.
THIRTY MINUTES LATER, they were back on the hiking trail. The sky had grown cloudy after they’d dried off down by the lagoon. They’d had some of the cheese and crackers Wyatt had brought, basking in the sun, then put their clothes and hiking boots back on when it looked like rain was heading in.