Page 40 of SEAL's Target
“Hey!” Callie yelled out in protest, hands on her hips. “His interference was out of my control.”
“Happy to save the day,” Hudson quipped.
The laughter of their friends filled the air, and Wyatt adjusted his baseball cap. It was a damn perfect Sunday afternoon, the sunshine and blue ocean making him smile. He’d had to talk Callie into some volleyball on the beach, but it had been well worth the effort. Once she’d gotten involved in the game, she was all in. Watching her toned legs move and pert breasts bounce as she leapt into the air had his cock stirring. The little string bikini she had on showed off all her subtle curves. His girl was gorgeous—strong and toned and competitive even if volleyball clearly wasn’t her favorite sport.
Aaron walked over to the group, taking a pull of his longneck. He stood at the sideline, watching as the game paused. “Tell me Callie, I know you just moved to Oahu, but do you have any single friends who live here? Wyatt’s been pretty damn happy since you got together, and I thank you for that,” he joked.
Callie looked over at Wyatt, a smug expression crossing her face. Wyatt couldn’t see her eyes through her dark sunglasses but knew she was amused. He pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh. She’d made him quite happy that morning, waking him up with her lips wrapped around his cock. Normally, Wyatt took charge in bed, but he had no problem with Callie getting her hands or mouth on him. None at all. She’d stayed over at his place for the first time last night, and the caveman part of him loved seeing her in his bedroom, spread out on his bed. She was his. He loved exploring Callie’s body every night, taking her in new positions and seeing how quickly he could have her crying out his name. She came alive under his touch, and while things were happening fast and they hadn’t talked about the future, he knew she was it for him. Wyatt would do anything and everything to make this girl happy, even protect her with his life if it came down to it. She was his, and damn if he didn’t want the entire world to know.
“We’ll hook you up, buddy,” Wyatt joked. “As long as you keep your hands off my girl.”
Aaron held up his hands in mock-surrender, laughing. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“And I wouldn’t want anyone who’s not you,” Callie said, her gaze on Wyatt. She turned back and tilted her head, studying Aaron a moment later. “You know, what about that waitress at Coconuts? She’s sweet.”
“Riley?” Sawyer asked with a chuckle from where he was spread out on a towel, hand covering his eyes from the bright sun. He’d been silent but clearly listening in on the conversation.
Ryan walked over, hefting a cooler full of drinks. “Sorry I’m late. And Riley? Yeah, she definitely has a thing for Sawyer.”
“I don’t know,” Callie said, lips pursed. “I kind of got the idea she liked you, Ryan.”
Ryan glanced over, looking surprised for a beat. “Well, I don’t flirt with her the way Saint does,” he joked. “We’ve talked a bit though.”
“Saint?” Alexa asked in amusement. “Nuh-uh. That man is no saint.”
“Exactly,” Sawyer muttered, but his lips quirked.
“She does like you, buddy,” Austin called out to Ryan from the other side of the volleyball net. “Sawyer just gets her all flustered. You stuck up for her that one time, and now her puppy dog eyes are all for you.”
Ryan rolled his eyes. “I don’t think so. I mean, she’s cute, but I’m not looking for a girlfriend. Besides, Aaron’s the one who wants to be set up. I’m good for now.”
Austin tossed the volleyball up in the air, easily catching it again. “So, are we finishing this game or what? Wildcard’s going to owe us all beers when Alexa and I smoke you both.”
“What?” Callie said indignantly, ready to take on a challenge. “We’re expecting you to pony up, buddy.” She stage-whispered to Wyatt. “What’s his nickname anyway?”
Wyatt chuckled, taking in her expression. He wanted to stroll over and kiss the hell out of her. She looked so ruffled by his teammate’s challenge. It was both cute and arousing. Wyatt liked to be in control but wouldn’t be put off by her sass if she brought it to the bedroom. “Storm,” he finally told her. “Austin’s nickname is storm.”
“Well, I’m about to storm over there and show you who’s boss of this volleyball court!” Callie called out, unsuccessfully concealing her laughter.
“Yes, ma’am,” Austin said, mock-saluting her with a smile.
Alexa shook her head, walking over to her spot on their side of the net. She stiffened for a moment, her hand moving to her abdomen, then shook it off. “You okay?” Austin called out.
“Yeah. Just a stitch in my side or something. I’m all good!” she assured him.
Wyatt watched her for a moment. Callie was studying her, too, he noticed, but then she moved back to her own spot. If Alexa wasn’t feeling well, she’d say something. Wyatt didn’t know her too well yet, but she was definitely the kind of woman who spoke her mind. Fortunately, Austin took it all in stride. They weren’t exactly dating, but they were most definitely more than friends. Those two had been flirting shamelessly all day.
He shook his head. Someday all of his buddies would end up with women. It was surprising how quickly his own life had changed. Callie was suddenly his entire world, and he was damn fine with that.
The game started up again, and Wyatt tried to focus. Callie leapt into the air, trying to spike the ball over the net. She missed, but Callie had gotten a decent spike in earlier. He liked her competitive nature. It was a side of her he hadn’t seen before, but Wyatt was quickly learning he liked all the different facets of her. They’d been together almost every night since he’d gotten back from their op rescuing the passengers on the cargo ship, their longer mission to capture Mohammad Hasnawi, The Red Flame, still at a stalling point. The man remained a mystery, no one knowing what he looked like or his exact location. Chatter indicated an attack at an airport in Asia was imminent, but his team didn’t have the necessary intelligence to move in. The airport attack was only the tip of the iceberg, because Hasnawi’s network had a lengthy list of targets. Once they succeeded in their plot, it was believed they’d aim for an airport in the States.
The volleyball game ended in a stalemate twenty minutes later, the women losing interest after a while. Callie walked over toward Wyatt, wiping her sunglasses off on a towel. “Whew. Toss me a water, will you?”
“Sure thing. I need one, too.” They’d chugged down their own water in the heat, but luckily Ryan had come with more beers, water, and bottled drinks. Wyatt flipped open the cooler, pulling two water bottles free from the ice. When he rose, Callie had stopped, her mouth opening in surprise. Wyatt looked over at a sunburned Caucasian man with red hair walking by. His entire chest and face were bright red, and he was grumbling to his wife.
“I can’t believe I fell asleep,” he muttered. “I’m fried. This sunburn is going to hurt for days.” He looked to the left, one side of his face an even deeper shade of red than the other.
Callie lifted a hand to her mouth, her face paling.