Page 107 of Wicked Praise
He loved coming home to her and found himself leaving work earlier than he ever had before.
Things were getting dire at InkWell, but Blake had to be careful now the world knew he was marrying the heiress of the Kennedy empire—who owned K-Scribe.
His number one competitor.
His PR team and lawyers had fielded questions from business publications and some nosy politicians, but after producing the legal documents, it had gone quiet.
Once married, he’d get the shares, then liquidate. Only then could he push the cash into InkWell. Still, they’d had to let around twenty staff go to stay afloat, and Blake had reluctantly agreed to it.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” she said, glancing over at him.
“Where is that calming herbal spray you have?” he asked, standing. “Want me to get it out of your bag?”
Bella gave him a smile that he was now becoming very familiar with. It got inside his chest and made him feel like some sort of superhero.
Honestly, Blake thought playing the role of fake fiancé was going to be a lot harder. But it had been easy. Perhaps it was because they were intimate together, but Bella was a fundamental part of his life now.
They were actually very compatible.
They cooked, shopped, socialized, and even worked out together. Watching Bella’s ass on the treadmill was not a horrible way to start the day.
“Yes, please,” Bella replied, waving her hand over her face.
“Maybe we should go down to the bathroom.” Blake squinted.
She nodded and leaped up. Grabbing the spray, Blake followed her past the lawyers to a door at the back of the plane.
Bella was pacing while doing some form of breathing exercise.
“Spray,” he said, pointing it at her mouth.
Two pumps and she swallowed. “Thanks.”
“It’s going to be okay. You have kickass lawyers. And me,” he reassured, tugging her into his arms.
“What if—”
“Bella we’ve been over every scenario. You hold the power in under a week. This is just a meet and greet.”
Forty-five minutes later, they were pulling up outside Kennedy Enterprises headquarters on Seventh Avenue in New York City.
Damn, maybe he needed some of Bella’s spray. Now it felt very real.
Blake climbed out of the limo, straightened his Tom Ford pants, adjusted his Jacob & Co. timepiece, then reached out to take Bella’s hand.
“That’s yours baby,” he pointed out as she stood with him on the sidewalk and glanced up at the skyscraper.
“Christ,” she whispered as he let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her lower back. He kissed her forehead, glanced at the lawyers, nodded, then they made their way inside the building.
“Bella Kennedy to see Randall Scott,” his sexy little boss lady said to the woman at the desk.
And yeah, his cock may have thickened a little.