Page 114 of Wicked Praise
But she would be.
“Bella, what the fuck?” Blake growled.
“Not now,” Bella said and began to walk out of the building.
“Yes, fucking now,” Blake said, following her.
They climbed into the back seat of the car, and he shot the lawyers a look. “Grab a taxi. We will see you in the hotel restaurant for lunch in an hour.”
They nodded and closed the door.
“Blake, I need to speak to them. We need to deal with this situation right now,” Bella cried.
Yes, they did.
But he was ready to push a wall into the side of the car, so she was going to answer his questions and text her ex to say she was not going out with him.
“You need to tell me what the fuck that was. He’s your fucking ex, Bella. You think you are going out for a drink with him?” He glared at her.
“It’s just a drink.”
No, it wasn’t.
They both knew that.
She’d told him what happened.
The man she’d expected a ring from had suddenly upped and walked out of her life.
She still...still what? Wanted Cain?
To marry him?
“Oh, so you would be okay with me seeking out an ex-fuck and going to dinner with her tonight?”
Her lips pressed together, and she stared back at him.
“Didn’t think so.” He let out a long breath. Jealousy he’d never experienced was flowing through him like a raging river.
He knew he was beingslightlyirrational.
But the thought of that man, or any man, having another shot with hisfakefiancé was not okay.
“I don’t know why you’re overreacting. It’s not like I was in bed with him,” Bella responded defensively.
Blake leaned forward. “You want to tell me why you couldn’t introduce me as the man you’re marrying?”
Her cheeks warmed.
“You still have feelings for him.” He sat back and cursed.
“He knows who you are,” she answered weakly.
“Says the woman who proudly introduces me as her hunky fiancé to just about every single other living creature on the planet,” he countered, lifting a brow.
Her eyes dropped away.