Page 123 of Wicked Praise
Everything came rushing back. He checked the time on his phone. It was nearly 8:00 p.m. He hadn’t replied to her message about staying in Manhattan for a few more days. His luggage was still at the hotel, so one way or another he had to go back there.
Jesus, she wouldn’t take Cain back there, would she? No, Bella wouldn’t do that.
If he wanted to punish himself, he could spend the night in their room and watch her not come home.
That would be a fun sadistic thing to do.
No. He was going to get his girl.
Bella was his.
End of fucking story.
“Eat up and clear your head. We have something we want you to look at,” Daniel said, standing beside his whiteboard scribbling some numbers.
“The legal team is on their way,” Fletcher announced.
“At eight o’clock at night?” Blake asked, his gaze moving from face to face. “On a Friday night?”
Hunter stood and walked over, pulling a piece of cold pizza from the box. Then slapped him on the shoulder. “You’re playing with the big boys now, Blake.”
Yes, he was.
Daniel shot him a nod. “Fresh shirt in my bathroom. Go freshen up.”
Blake tossed back the electrolytes—not recommended. They come straight out your nose—and then shoved a piece of pizza in his mouth before heading to the bathroom.
When he returned, they launched straight into it.
“First things first. If we can prove Scott has forged those documents, he’s looking at ten years. At a guess.” Daniel said. “I checked into Bella’s lawyers. They are okay and that’s being generous. Scott has some of the toughest attorneys in the country,” Daniel said. “Lucky for you, I havethebest.”
Of course he did.
Blake fought back the smile and failed.
Being part of a powerful family wasn’t something he took for granted, but at times like this it was pretty fucking awesome.
“And they’ll be here in a few minutes,” Daniel said. “Before they arrive, let’s talk about InkWell.”
He groaned and the pride he’d felt seconds ago vanished as shame filled him.
This is what he’d been avoiding.
And while Drunk Blake had blathered on about it, Sober Blake wasn’t quite as shameless.
“I know. It’s a dead duck. Putting money into it to keep it afloat in a dominated market was a fucking stupid plan. Which may not matter anymore if Bella marries Cain.” Blake shook his head.
“At least you had the sense to cover both your asses on the insider trading. So you won’t end up in jail,” Fletcher said.
Blake nodded as he buttoned up the white Tom Ford shirt he’d pulled on. Rolling up the sleeves, he shot Daniel a look and decided he filled it out pretty well considering how fucking big the guy was.
“Tough competition doesn’t also mean it’s a dead duck, as you called it,” Hunter said. “Competition is healthy. It’s about whether the concept, product, or brand is a good one.”
Blake cringed on the inside as he waited to hear what they said next, his heart thumping.
“I’m not an expert in this industry but we’ve spent the last few hours, while you snored your ass off, doing some research and looking over the numbers you shared with Daniel,” Hunter added, referring to the documents in the cloud Blake had pulled up earlier.