Page 128 of Wicked Praise
Why couldn’t he have just understood she had to do this and then meet her afterward?
Bella thought she knew but didn’t want to believe.
It would just set her up for a heartache she wasn’t sure she could survive.
Not after her father had not just rejected her once again today, but lied and possibly committed a felony to keep her out of her own company.
Would any man truly love her?
Bella frowned at herself. Ward and her brothers did. She knew that. Perhaps she needed to stop this pity party. Her biological father was an asshole.
She was in a fake engagement.
The man sitting in front of her had left her for another woman.
Things weren’t awesome.
It felt like she was at a fork in the road of her life.
Seeing Cain had hit her between the eyes. Was he supposed to be the man in her life? A second chance? Was he even single?
Should she heed the advice of one of her lawyers and walk away? The road ahead could be long, fighting Randall.
Was life shifting her back on course?
Was Cain the right path?
She’d loved him so much when they were together. They fit together. Their lives, their families, their dreams.
He wanted to be a CEO and run a big company. While never knowing who he was in a relationship with, Bella secretly felt excited that one day she could help make that dream come true.
Until it didn’t.
Now that she was here, she didn’t know how she felt.
Cain was acting strange. Vague. He directed any questions about himself back to her and there was an arrogant nervousness about him.
But more importantly, Cain had not used any of the hour they’d already sat here to apologize or fully explain why he had left.
She wanted the truth.
“You had the chance to be him. To be my fiancé but instead you left,” Bella suddenly exclaimed, unable to hold it back any longer.
“Bella,” he sighed, like she was a nuisance.
“Cain. Why did you want to see me?” she asked firmly.
“You’re getting married. I, shit. I was surprised,” Cain answered, waving out his hand.
“So, you got FOMO?” She scowled, taking a big sip of her drink.
“Yes,” he admitted, shrugging. “Blake Dufort is a powerful and successful man. I’m getting there. Kinda hard to compete.”
“You didn’t have to compete, Cain. I was in love with you. I thought you were going to propose,” she cried.
“Fuck. I was, Bella,” he said, leaning forward and whispering. Then almost hissed, “Iwas.”