Page 29 of Wicked Praise
She had to forget Blake Dufort.
The last thing Blakefelt like doing after a day of crunching numbers, pacing the floor of his home office, and scribbling on his whiteboard, was going to some event where he had to open his wallet and smile.
Fuck the smiling, he’d just drink.
The good stuff would be flowing, anyway. That’s how these things worked. They attracted people with seven- and eight-figure budgets. In return, they plowed you with fine liquor to loosen you up.
Blake would drink, but he wasn’t feeling charitable.
Logan could do that.
His cousin and new wife Emma were back from their Hawaiian honeymoon and had invited Blake and Jacob along to the fundraiser.
Aidan was in Chicago with Lily.
Amelia was engaged and living in DC.
When he’d found her after bumping into Bella that day, he couldn’t believe it.
“What the hell?!” He’d laughed. “I was right down there while our senator was proposing to you.”
“I know.” Amelia sighed. “Right beside my artwork. Jack is so romantic.”
The senator had kissed her forehead and then shook his hand.
“Also, I’m moving to Washington, DC so I guess I better tell my family. It was supposed to be a secret but...”
But there were a million smartphones snapping pictures.
“Running away?”
“I need to be in Capitol Hill, and I wasn’t going home without Amelia.” Jack said, wrapping his arm around her waist.