Page 33 of Wicked Praise
It was only for two years.
Bella bit her lip, knowing it was a big ask.
Would any man really be interested? Even with the enormous financial reward on offer.
There was only one way to find out. She had given Knox her wish list and trusted he would introduce her to the right men. Or advise her against the wrong ones.
“And you are...?” Tom’s eyes slid between Bella and her brother.
“The sister,” she said quickly and then felt herself blush while Knox groaned under his breath. She nudged him. “Girls might go gaga over you, but I have no desire to be thought of as your weekend arm candy.”
Tom laughed. “I like you already, Bella. What are you drinking?”
She grinned. “Champagne.”
Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Fortunately, Clive gave his excuses, and a few other people joined them over the next hour. David.
Antonio. James. Carter and his girlfriend, Daniella. Rick.
Bella’s head was spinning.
While none of the men had any idea they were being interviewed, Bella got the impression Tom was onto her.
“So, what’s a pretty girl like you doing out with your brother on a Saturday night?” he asked, grabbing a fresh glass of Dom Pérignon for her.
“Thank you,” Bella said, thinking he had nice manners and also nice lips.
Not as nice as Blake’s.
Forget him.
“He couldn’t get a date.” Bella smirked, lifting her shoulder. “I took pity on him.”
“I heard that,” Knox muttered over his half-turned shoulder. He hadn’t left her side since they arrived, and she appreciated it.
“Can I assume that means you arealsodateless?” Tom smiled confidently behind his scotch.
Bella took a sip of her own drink, keeping her eyes locked on his. Could Tom be a contender?
He was a lawyer, which meant he was smart. An IP lawyer even, which meant he was commercially-minded and interested in business.
An assumption, of course, but a far safer one than say, if he were a doctor.
She decided that she did like Tom.
Not in the way she had combusted when Blake Dufort was near her, but Tom was handsome. If he kissed her, she wouldn’t balk.
Not exactly fireworks like last night.
It might even be nice.
Tom amused her, and he even laughed at her jokes. That was a good start.
What more could she ask for in a situation like this?
Cain had broken her heart, and she had no plans to give it away again. This was business. She would right the wrongs Randall Scott had done, then in two years she would divorce and seek out true love.