Page 91 of Wicked Praise
“Is the pope Catholic?” he laughed, waving him in. “Has anyone in the history of forever ever declined tacos?”
“Weird people, maybe,” Jacob laughed, walking over to the meeting table where Blake joined him. “Leilani just told me it was bad for my arteries.”
Blake snorted. “She’s detoxing. I think she’s hungry.”
Jacob handed him his lunch and smirked. “I can take her mind off the hunger if you’ll give her a long lunch break.”
“Dude. She’s my PA. Gross.”
His brother laughed. “There is nothing gross about that fine ass. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
He hadn’t.
Okay, fine he had, but she was his employee and Blake might have had his fair share of lovers, but there was something about the people who worked for him that felt
Yeah, that sounded weird.
But he cared about them all.
Hence, why he was doing what he was doing.
“Well, she doesn’t have a twin, and I doubt Leilani is into the same group activities you enjoy.” Blake bit into the taco and watched everything fall out the sides.
Why don’t they make these things in smile shape with big fucking sides?
“That’s a bold assumption, Brother,” Jacob said, wiping his mouth. “And here’s one for you.”
Blake lifted his eyes in question.
“You’re not in love with Bella Montgomery.”
He frowned, trying to control his surprise.
But more than anything he was annoyed. Something he rarely felt for his brother because they were really close. Growing up with only a mother, the two of them had spent a lot of time together.
There were only a few years between them, which meant that aside from a small patch when he was around thirteen and Jacob eleven, they’d been tight.
Because no thirteen-year-old thinks his eleven-year-old brother is cool. At least not in the playground.
But hearing anyone speak about Bella and his feelings for her had Blake’s jaw tensing and lips pressing together to be careful what he said.
Not because he was worried about spilling the truth.
“That’s my fiancé you’re talking about,” he grit out.
Jacob leaned back in his chair and wiped his mouth one more time with his napkin. Then dropped it on the table.
“I’ve known you my entire life. We’ve plotted out lies to get around Mom’s rules, skipped school, and manipulated women together,” Jacob said. “I know when you are lying.”
Blake tossed his own napkin on the table and scowled.
He had a decision to make.
There was one thing making the announcement and broadly telling the truth. They were marrying. He was engaged. They were having an engagement party.
Blah, blah, blah.
But facing his brother and lying to his face?