Page 4 of Gray Dawn
“There are alotof things Arden should know and twice as many she shouldn’t but...”
“You’ll tell her if she asks.”
“If she asks, yes. I will.” I drew in air between my teeth. “I don’t want to lose her again.”
“I don’t think there’s any chance of that.” Amusement softened his features. “She’s glued to Fergal.”
I made a noncommittal noise in the back of my throat and strode out under the moonlight for fresh air. “The Kellies couldmake the difference between Black Hat catching its balance or falling flat on its face.”
“Their recovery makes a great many things possible, but it doesn’t solve the problem of Aedan.”
“No.” I hated to admit how stuck I was on that point. “It doesn’t solve Aedan.”
“We need to buy time with Calixta while we locate and secure the director.”
“I’m open to suggestions.”
“She’s a new queen, and her position is precarious. She won the throne through a fair challenge, no one can contest that, but it’s clear she holds the Haelian Seas kingdom in higher regard than Hael.”
“That sounds an awful lot like you’re saying we should lean into the civil unrest.”
“Thanks to Carver, we know there’s a movement to put me on the throne.” He wiped glitter from under his eye. “Stirring the pot is dangerous, but we have several advantages. The centuria being the largest of them. They know how to make an impact, without bloodshed, and they can contain the situation. And, if it comes down to it, I can offer to appear in Hael and give my endorsement of Calixta.”
Aside from that last part, which wasnevergoing to happen, I had to agree it was a solid plan. But eager as I was to shoutlet’s do itfrom the rooftops, I still had to ask him, “Are you sure about this?”
Asa might have given up his title, but he wanted the best for his former kingdom, and this was not it.
“We need a distraction. If we convince Calixta her crown is in peril, she will refuse to leave Hael. She’ll contact us and ask for an extension, which gives us the time we need to locate the director.”
“I asked you once if you’re sure. I’m not a good enough person to ask you twice.”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t convinced this is our best course of action.” He kissed my fingers. “I’ll contact Moran and organize our efforts through her.”
“What do we tell her?” A groan tore out of me. “About Clay?”
“Nothing,” Asa decided after sitting with the question. “We keep his absence quiet for now.”
Moran would take her boyfriendlike person—they hadn’t stuck a label on it yet—having his switch flipped about as well as I was taking Colby’s disappearance. But she would accept the news with a stiff upper lip if it came from Asa. She still viewed him as her liege, even though Aedan had claimed his title.
From me? Clay’s best friend? The person who should have kept him safe?
She wouldn’t be half as deferential or as forgiving of my failure.
“All right.” Coward that I was, I relaxed into his decision. “I’ll text Carver, let him tag along. He has the inside track, so we might as well put him to use.”
>I’ve got a mission for you.
>>I’m all ears, my lady.
>Moran is heading into Hael. I want you to go with her. She’ll give you your marching orders there.
>>Should you need me, you only have to send word, and I will return to your side.
>I’ll do that.
A commotion near the lift drew my attention to the arrival of the helicopter we kept on retainer. A black metal box with finger-sized holes in its sides used for transporting dangerous creatures from urban areas swung from chains under its belly. A flatbed would arrive soon to haul the Kellies to Boston.
A throat cleared behind us, and I turned as Fergal stepped forward with his lips pulled tight over his teeth.