Page 43 of Gray Dawn
“No heart.” Blay shrugged. “Witch ate him.”
Screams pierced the air as the wargs took down the witches, which meant Nan would have heard.
The crunching was hard to miss.
We had to close in on her or lose her, and she wouldn’t be fool enough to get caught out in the open a second time.
“We should go help Dad.” I begged with my eyes. “There are more witches waiting at the car.”
How many more, I couldn’t say, but someone had driven her.
“Rue stick with Blay?” His eyes held a wealth of doubt. “Rue be good?”
“I’ll be good.” I tugged on his arm. “Come on.”
A minute later I was reminded why it was dangerous to send Dad after sensitive targets.
We found him standing over a male witch who must have been the driver I was just wondering about. He was dead. Really dead. He must have ticked Dad off to earn that level of evisceration.
Nan, her face purple, hung suspended midair, feet dangling above the driver’s body.
Muttering to herself, she thrashed and fought. I thought I heard her curse Luca’s name but wasn’t sure.
“She’s no good to us dead.” I sprinted for Dad, grabbing his arm. “Set her down.”
“She took a pill.” A growl lodged in his chest. “She’s dead anyway.”
Now that shocked me. Nan wasn’t the type to choose self-destruction. She was too sure of herself.
Maybe it was a ruse and she hoped the diversion would earn her a chance to escape? Hard to say. Either way, she was still fighting for her life. Which didn’t fit her actions. She also lookedpissed…but at herself? She coughed, gagging, her tongue rolling. Like she wanted to spit out the pill, but it wouldn’t cooperate.
“Don’t waste the time we have with her then.” I caught her as Dad released her from his spell, wrangling her onto the ground away from the dead driver. “Talk fast.” I gripped her shoulder. “Tell me something. Anything we can use against Luca.”
Because I knew, Iknew, the hatred burning in her eyes was for her former boss and not for me.
“What makes…you think I…will tell you…anything?”
“You’re smart, and you’re clever. You think highly of yourself, for good reason. Taking the easy way out? Just to protect Luca’s secrets? Are you telling me it wasyouridea to pop that pill?”
Blood welled in the corners of her mouth. She parted her lips, but no sound escaped her.
“Luca bound you from spilling her secrets.” I exhaled. “I bet she put that nasty compulsion on you too.”
Nan hadn’t chosen this end. It had been decided for her. That made more sense.
“Can you…save…me?”
“Depends.” I tried to make her comfortable. “Was that king killer?”
She must have gotten her answer from my expression, and she shut her eyes.
“Nan.” I shook her. “This is your one chance to pay Luca back.”
The vow binding her might not allow for it, but I had to keep pushing while she was coherent.
“You’re going to let her win?” A wave of disappointment crashed through me. “I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that.”