Page 57 of Dark Obsession
The room erupts with congratulatory sentiments from our younger brothers. Salvatore starts rummaging through my fridge, looking for champagne, while Luciano starts making betson the baby’s gender. But Dante and I continue staring at one another, locked in a stalemate of our making.
“You’re afraid,” I accuse. “The Dante Terlizzi I know would have taken on a hundred armies for his family. But now you’re afraid.”
His jaw ticks, biceps rippling as he clenches his fists. “Watch yourself, Nic. I don’t care if your weddingisnext Saturday. I’ll knock you the fuck out right now.”
But I press my luck. “You’re having your first child, and that’s why you’re afraid. You don’t want to do anything that might get you killed before the kid’s birth. You’re going to be afather, Dante,” I place emphasis on his new responsibilities. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to take a lesser role if it means protecting the ones you love.”
“You would know all about changing roles for the ones you love, wouldn’t you?” Dante’s eyes flicker with a mix of emotions.
“I do, actually. I took up a mantle I wanted no part of because the person I care about, the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, is in danger. I’m doing things and hearing things Ineverwanted to be a part of. I stepped the fuck up because that’s what I have to do.” I don’t realize I’m shouting until I hear my voice echo back to me from other rooms. “If you want to do the opposite and take a step back because that’s the safest route for you and Adalina, then do it. But I understand better than anyone how you feel about making a choice that contradicts who you are.”
Salvatore returns with his keys out. “I’m going to run to the liquor store so we can celebrate properly. You guys need anything? Beer? A‘Get Along’shirt?”
His joke breaks the spell between us. Dante smiles despite himself and reaches forward with an open hand to take mine. “There’s a lot of pressure on me right now. Forgive me, brother.”
I take his hand, and he pulls me into a hug. “Forgive me for making your burden heavier. What do we need to figure out about next Sunday?”
Family has its unique way of weathering storms—the ability to disagree fiercely one moment and stand united, ready to die for each other, the next. Family means being there for each other through the good times and the bad—without judgment, without conditions.
I’ve never quite felt like I completely fit in with my brothers, but I’ve always known that if I needed them, they’d be there for me. No questions asked.
Chapter 47
Present Day • Morning of the Wedding
Butterflies would be a blessing right now. I feel like there are elephants stampeding through my stomach.
“Technically,” Kaye begins as gently as she can, “you’re underage, and no one will buy you liquor. I asked one of Niccolo’s brothers, and he laughed at me.”
I don’t know which one it was, but I hope someone knocks him out. “Go back out there and tell him I just need one drink to settle my nerves. Or a Valium. Whatever he’s got. I’m not picky.”
With a quick, graceful movement, Sienna springs up from her spot on the couch, her hands clapping together to redirect our attention. “No, babe, you don’t need either of those things. You’re marrying the man you love today. You’re going to be okay. You have nothing to worry about.” She pauses in the middle of her monologue to ask, “But for funsies, can you tell us why you’re feeling this way? Maybe talking about it will ease your nerves.”
Any other day, I might keep my thoughts to myself to protect them, but it’s my wedding day. If I don’t share what’s going through my head, I might explode.
“I had a dream last night that my uncle showed up at the wedding and shot everyone. I’m worried that one of these days, he’s going to walk on campus and kill Niccolo in his classroom. I’m afraid that Rocco is going to show up at my dorm room when I’m alone and kidnap me. I’m worried that my uncle will follow through with killing me because he said he’d rather I be dead than happy with Niccolo. I don’t know what people are going to think about my relationship with Nic, and I’m scared they’re going to judge us when they find out that he used to be my stepfather. And I think I’m most terrified that this entire crazy plan of Nic’s isactuallygoing to work out, and all this worrying is for nothing.” As I finish and catch my breath, I feel my heart pounding.
Kaye and Sienna stare at me for a long minute, both of them trying and failing to hide their shock. After a long moment, my best friend turns on her heel and leaves the room. We can hear snippets of her conversation with the man outside, and I think she’s talking to Salvatore.
When she returns, Kaye is red in the face and holding her swelling stomach. “He said he’d get mimosas,” she announces proudly.
My eyebrows shoot up, impressed by the way Kaye stood up to Niccolo’s brother. “What?”
“I thought it was cold feet or something,” she explains with an apologetic wince. “But what you’re worried about arerealproblems.”
“Scary problems,” Sienna adds in a dramatic whisper.
Kaye nods her head in agreement. “So if you’re thinking about all that and the only thing you need to settle your nerves is a little liquid courage, then I’ll make it happen. I’ll make anything happen for you today, Chris.”
Their comforting words help, maybe more than the mimosas will. My heart rate slows, and I don’t feel like I’m teetering on the edge of a panic attack anymore.
I walk over to the couch in the bridal suite and flop down. “I don’t think I could do this without the two of you.”
Sienna and Kaye rush to the nearest chairs, taking their responsibilities as bridesmaids seriously. “You don’t have to do anything without me,” Kaye assures me.
“You’ve had a pretty good life without me in it,” Sienna adds, “but your life is going to be even better now that I’m here. Just think about it: me yelling at some cousin of yours because he looks at you judgmentally for marrying your stepfather. No one is messing with you today, chica. Not on our watch.”