Page 59 of Dark Obsession
“Last chance,” Sienna whispers loudly, “we can still run away if we need to.”
But my nerves have long since settled. Once I pulled on the wedding dress, a simple white strapless gown, I realized there was nowhere else I’d rather be.
I walk through the doors of the church, and everyone stands, turning to stare at me with all the love and affection of newfound family and friends. But the only person I see is Niccolo.
He waits on the altar, his face breaking into a smile when he sees me. And I realize in that moment that whatever comes next, it’s all worth it.
We recite the usual vows and promise to love one another for as long as we both shall live, and then Niccolo places the ring on my finger, and it’s over. The ceremony takes no more than twenty minutes from start to finish, including a prayerof safety composed entirely in Italian by his mother. It’s quick but meaningful. We bound ourselves with oaths, promising each other the rest of our lives.
The line of well-wishers consists of Terlizzi men hugging me and welcoming me to the family. Of cousins kissing my cheeks and telling me how excited they are for us. Of my best friends laughing and crying as they send us to the hotel in a bulletproof SUV.
“My love,” Niccolo whispers in my ear as we step into the hotel’s ballroom where the reception is being held, “this is all for you.”
The room erupts with cheers when they see us. For a minute, I almost forget that this hastily arranged marriage was to save me from another. While we’re sitting down to eat, I pretend I’m not bothered by the fact that I’m the only Lucatello in the room. When Niccolo spins me around the dance floor, I barely notice my aching ribs—a wedding present from my uncle and former betrothed.
The scent of wine hangs thick in the air, blending with the pounding beat of the music that brings couples to the dance floor. As our wedding guests party and mingle, their laughter and voices fill every corner of the room. And I never feel alone, not even for a second. When I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, Kaye and Sienna are there to help me hold my dress.
“How are you doing?” Kaye asks as we wash our hands.
Despite all my fears and concerns, I’m fine. The mimosas from earlier in the day did their job, calming my nerves and leaving behind a pleasant warmth in my stomach that helped to carry me through the wedding. But a nagging sensation in my chest puts me on edge.
“Is it weird that this day has been almost perfect?” I check my makeup in the mirror, half expecting to see mascara trailing down my face or a hair out of place. “Given the reason we had to get married so quickly, isn’t it weird that nothing bad has happened?”
Sienna hops up on the bathroom counter, her legs swinging back and forth as she waits for us to finish. “Isn’t that agoodthing?”
“It just makes me nervous,” I reply with a frown. I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop; something always goes wrong at a wedding. The photographer gets stuck in traffic, or the mother of the groom wears white to the wedding. Something badalwayshappens, and then the wedding goes on. But nothing has gone wrong yet, and it makes me wary.
“What if the bad thing is the SUV blowing up when we leave or someone setting our house on fire when we’re sleeping tonight?”
“Jesus,” Sienna whispers under her breath. “Morbid much?”
It brings a smile to my face despite the nerves beginning to rear their ugly head again. “Sorry,” I apologize. “I would feel better if someone vomited on the dance floor or something.”
Kaye offers to be the sacrifice, her face appearing a little green in the dimly lit bathroom. “I’m feeling queasy anyway. Did you guyshaveto have a seafood option?” She complains with a smile.
We make our way back to the reception, shaking hands and accepting hugs along the way. I didn’t realize Niccolo’s family was so large. I meet what feels like a dozen aunts and uncles and a hundred cousins. Not to mention Nic’s friends among the Blackmore University staff and people close to the Terlizzifamily who have been invited out of respect. There are over 300 guests, and they’re all happy to see us.
“You mind if I go dance with Xave?” Kaye asks. “I keep seeing the same busty Italian girl over there trying to climb into his lap.”
I look at her baby bump and raise an eyebrow. “You think he cares about one of Niccolo’s cousins when you’re carrying his child? He only has eyes for you, Kaye. Go on,” I gesture with my head. “Go enjoy time with your man.”
I quickly spot my husband in the bustling crowd. Niccolo and his siblings stand around a table together, throwing back celebratory shots. As I walk over, Lucia spots me and comes running up, squealing. She wraps her arms around my neck and excitedly says, “I’m finally going to have a sister!”
“Hey!” Dante glares. “What about Adalina?”
She releases me and squares her shoulders, meeting her brother’s intense gaze with one of her own. Kudos to Lucia for having the courage to stand up to him because Dante Terlizzi scares the shit out of me. “I can’t be friends with a ghost, Dante. Maybe if Adalina showed up to a family event, we could—” but she stops mid-sentence when the brunette beauty appears, as if summoned because her name was spoken too many times.
“Lucia, a pleasure.” Adalina walks up, slipping into Dante’s arms like they were made just for her. Her gaze flickers toward me, and a curious smile curls around her lips. “Welcome to the family, Christine.” She pauses for a moment before chuckling, “Again, anyway. Wife is a more fitting title thanstepdaughter, don’t you think?”
Dante’s arm tightens around his wife’s waist, his jaw tightening as his lips form a hard line. “Ada,” he chastises, “stop.”
She turns to look at him with all the poison of a rattlesnake ready to strike. “You finally let me out of my cage, darling. Let me have a little fun.”
If his hands dig into her skin any harder, he’s going to leave bruises. “Excuse us for a minute.” Dante looks like a man trying to smile through getting stabbed. He whisks his wife away, leaving us standing there in awkward silence as we watch them retreat.
Maybe this was the bad thing that has been gnawing at me all day. I mean, Adalina being bitchy wasn’t on my bingo card of things that could have ruined the day, but I’ll accept it.
Luciano clears his throat, garnering the attention of everyone in the Terlizzi inner circle. “I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but I imagine youdidn’tsend your uncle a wedding invitation, right?”