Page 17 of Lucas
“Your shop and apartment are clear.I’ll leave you to get some rest.”
Like that was going to happen now with her hormones hopping and her libido screaming for release.
He walked toward the door.“Lock up after me.”
She followed.“I will.”
He held out her keys and dropped them into her open palm, curling his fingers around hers.“I’ll be by early tomorrow.”
She frowned.“Why?”
“A good boyfriend spends time with his girl.Now, give me your cell phone.”
She dropped her keys into her purse, dug out her cell phone, and handed it to him.“Why do you need my cell phone?”
“A good boyfriend makes sure his girlfriend has his phone number saved to her favorites.”He brought up her contact list, added his name and number and saved it to the top of her favorites above Marty’s name.
“You want me to delete Marty?”he asked.“Or are you hoping he’ll change his mind?”
“Delete him,” she said.“Even if he did change his mind, I’m over him.I wouldn’t take him back.I should’ve realized we weren’t a good fit long before he felt the need to sneak around behind my back.”
“Good.All the more reason for you to appear at his wedding with your boyfriend.”He placed a call to the number he’d just entered.The phone in his pocket buzzed.He ended the call from her phone.“Now, I have your number as well.”He handed her cell phone back to her.
She slipped it into her purse.“Thanks.”
Lucas leaned forward, cupped the back of her neck and lowered his head until his lips hovered over hers.“Mrs.Lebowitz is watching.Let’s make it good.”Then he kissed her so thoroughly, her fingers curled into his shirt and her toes curled in her shoes.
“Goodnight, Felina.Sleep tight,” he whispered against her lips.Lucas unlocked the front door, stepped through it, and pulled it closed behind him.He waited until she twisted the deadbolt.Then he climbed into his big-ass truck and drove away.
Felina switched off the lights and stared out the window until Lucas’s taillights disappeared.
Holy shit.What had she gotten herself into?
She’d only just been dumped by her long-term boyfriend.Now, here she was, lusting after her fake boyfriend.
A dark sedan drove slowly past her shop, turned on the next street and disappeared.
Felina turned and walked through the shop, the night lights she’d had installed giving her enough of a glow to make her way through without tripping over buckets of flowers or bumping into counters and tables.She climbed the stairs to her apartment, entered, then closed and locked her door.
She leaned her forehead against the cool wooden panel, trying not to think about the fact Lucas had been here minutes before.She could smell a hint of his cologne lingering in the air.Or was it lingering on her skin?
Felina squared her shoulders and went on a search through her little apartment for B.O.B.She found the device in the bottom drawer of her nightstand, beneath old greeting cards from Marty, commemorating her birthday, Valentine’s Day and other holidays.She dumped the cards into the trash and opened B.O.B.’s battery compartment.
After a frantic search for fresh batteries with no luck, Felina took a cold shower and climbed into bed.
For the next hour, she tossed, turned, hugged her pillow, tossed it aside and lay awake, counting minutes.Hiring Lucas was supposed to relieve her anxieties and free her up to work without interruptions.Instead, it had ignited an entirely different set of emotions sure to keep her awake into the night.
About the time she was ready to give up, she nodded off.
No sooner had she closed her eyes when a sound jerked her back awake.She lay with her eyes open, listening.Had it been something in a dream?
Then it came again.A scraping sound of metal on metal—and was that a jiggle of a doorknob?
Felina sat up straight in bed.
The sound had come from the door leading to the staircase on the side of the building.