Page 22 of Lucas
“This is not how I planned to spend the night,” she muttered.
“Me either,” he agreed.
The shuffle of sneakers sounded nearby.A moment later, the light clicked off, throwing the workroom into semi-darkness, broken only by the glow of the red exit sign over the rear door and a couple of strategically placed nightlights on either side of the room.After the rustle of the blanket and items of clothing being dumped out of the pillowcase they shared with her pillow, Felina settled on the floor beside Lucas.
She lay stiffly beside him without any part of her body touching his.
Then she moved and spread part of the blanket over him.
“You don’t have to share,” he said.“My body runs hot.”
“The air conditioner gets cold in here at night,” she said.
Rather than refuse her kind gesture, he said, “Thanks.”
“Thank you for coming to my rescue,” she whispered.
His lips pressed together.“I wish I could’ve been here sooner.”
“It all worked out.”She chuckled.“And to think, I wouldn’t have had your number to call if you hadn’t stepped out the back door of the bar.”
Lucas rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling.“And I wouldn’t have gone looking for you if I hadn’t been determined to buy you a drink.”
“You never did get to try your pickup lines on me,” she said.
He grinned.“No, I didn’t.”
She turned toward him.“Since I’m a captive audience, you can try now.Shoot.”
“Okay, here’s one.”He grinned.“Do you believe in love at first sight?Or should I walk by you again?”When she didn’t comment, he asked, “Did you like that one?”
“On a scale of one to ten...”she said, “I’d call that lame.”
“How about this one...”He paused for effect.“Do you have a map?Because I get lost in your eyes.”
“Better,” she commented.“Kind of sweet without being sleazy.”
“Since you’re a florist and all into flowers, I had some I thought you’d appreciate.”
She yawned.“I’m listening.”
“Are you a garden?”he said.“Because I’m digging you.”
“Along those same lines...”he started.“Are you a garden?Because I want to get lost in you.”
“Borderline sleazy.”
“If you were a flower, I’d pick you.”
“Meh.Flowers die when you pick them,” she said.“Try again.”
He turned on his side to face her.“What would I say if I wanted a flower like you to kiss me?”
She looked toward him, her brow creasing.“I don’t know, what would you say?”
He flopped onto his back and grinned.“Plant one on me.”