Page 40 of Lucas
“We’re the Bayou Brotherhood Protectors,” Lucas said.“Come on, let’s get that card to the boat factory.”
“Shouldn’t we take it straight to the sheriff’s office?”Felina asked.“What if it contains evidence that could be used to solve Gaither’s murder?”
“We absolutely will hand it over to the sheriff’s department,” Remy said, “as soon as we see what’s on it.It might not have belonged to Gaither.”
“Then how did it get into my shop?”
“It could’ve come in with a batch of your flowers,” Lucas said.“In which case, we’d be wasting the sheriff’s time.”
Felina’s lips pressed together.“It’s a weak excuse.”
“But one I could live with,” Remy said.
“If we hand it over to the sheriff’s office, they’ll probably send it off to the state to access what’s on it.Who knows how long that would take?If this contains information that could lead to those responsible for Gaither’s murder, it might also lead us to the people who ransacked your apartment.”Lucas brushed his finger along her cheek and lowered his voice.“I’d like to know that information sooner rather than later.”
Felina turned to Remy.“Won’t Shelby be mad at you?”
“Better to ask forgiveness than permission,” Remy said.“But I think she’d agree that state would take too long, though she’d never admit it out loud.”He glanced at Lucas.“I’ll head that way and see what I need to do to download what’s on the disk.”
“We’re right behind you,” Lucas called out as Remy left the shop with the disk in his pocket.Lucas turned to Felina and held out his hand.“Are you ready?”
She grimaced.“I was supposed to spend the afternoon getting my orders in for Colonial Day and the wedding.I’m running short on time.”Felina stared around her workroom, frowning.
Lucas waited, his hand extended.
With a sigh, Felina placed her hand in his palm.“What the hell?It’s all online.I can put in my orders at midnight if I have to.Let’s see what’s on that disk.”
Lucas grinned.“I’ll stay up with you.We can order pizza and play ’80s music.”
Felina’s brow twisted.“Why ’80s music?”
“Because I like it.”He raised her hand to his lips.“I’ll let your carpenter know we’ll be back later.Hopefully, before he leaves.”
“I hate closing the shop.I have several customers who are supposed to come by to pick up their orders after they get off work.”
“Text them and let them know you’ll be back by four-thirty.I’ll make sure you are.”
“Give me a few minutes to look up their information,” she said.
While she pulled up her customers’ numbers, Lucas ran up the stairs to her apartment and let Richard know they were leaving for a while.
“Before you go, could you help me carry the door up the stairs and set it into the frame?”Richard asked.“It won’t take long.I’ve already measured.It’ll fit.”
The two men walked down the outside stairs, unloaded the heavy metal door from Richard’s truck and carried it up the stairs.After a few minutes, they had the door moved into position.
“I can take it from here,” Richard said.“If you’re not back by the time I finish, I’ll lock up and leave the keys to the door on the kitchen table.”
“Great,” Lucas said.“Thanks.Felina will be happy to have a functioning door that can’t be broken.”
Richard shook his head.“Scary times when you don’t feel safe in your own place.”
“Tell me about it.”Lucas shook the man’s hand.“Thank you for fortifying Felina’s apartment.”
“Happy to do it.All kidding aside, she’s a great person.The wife and I love her and don’t want anything bad to happen to her.She might not be a blood relative, but she’s family.”
Lucas hurried back to Felina’s workroom.He knew Felina was special.It warmed his heart that others felt the same.