Page 48 of Lucas
She smiled at the order he’d restored.“How did you do all this in such a short amount of time?”
“I learned how to be efficient and effective in bootcamp.”He glanced around at his handiwork.“They didn’t give us much time to screw up.If one person failed, the entire squad did pushups.You didn’t want to be that one person.”
Her lips twitched.“Your drill sergeant would be proud.”
He gave a slight bow of his head.“Thank you.”
“I locked the front door,” she said.
“Will you be working on your orders now?”he asked as he tipped the dustpan into the trashcan.
Felina shook her head.“I lost my momentum.I don’t have the energy or the heart to work tonight.”
“I thought you had to get those orders in tonight, or they’d be late.”
“I have a little wiggle room.I also thought I’d shut down the shop tomorrow after I get the deliveries out the door.”
He raised his eyebrows.“You’re going to close the shop?”
Felina nodded.“I thought we might drive into New Orleans.I can visit my distributor and place my order in person.Afterward, we could grab lunch.I know a really great restaurant that serves the most amazing crawfish etouffee.”
“I’m always up for Cajun cuisine and playing hooky.”His brow dipped low.“As long as you’re comfortable with taking that time off.”
“I am.”Felina laughed.“I don’t think I’ve had a day off during the week in the past five years.”
“Then, you’re long overdue.Taking the day off sounds like a plan.”Lucas grinned.“For tomorrow.For now, we need to find something for dinner.”
Her belly rumbled again.“Even as hungry as I am, I’d like to shower first.”
“Need someone to scrub your back?”he asked.
Her heart fluttered, and butterflies beat at the lining of her stomach.He was teasing, right?Her eyes narrowed.“Is back scrubbing in your job description?”
“Yes, it is,” he said.“It’s in the fine print in the paragraph detailing the responsibilities of a fake boyfriend.”
She laughed, amazed at how easy it was to talk to Lucas about something as intimate as him scrubbing her back.She’d have to be naked.And he’d have to be in the shower with her.
That sexy thought had her breath catching in her throat, making it hard for her to breathe normally.
Lucas might have been teasing about scrubbing her back, but Felina was serious about taking him up on it.
What about her vow to keep their relationship platonic?He was, after all, her employee.She was paying him to protect her, not make love to her.
Still, Lucas had offered...
And he’d made no move to leave her apartment.
Did she dare?
Tryingto look and feel confident and sexy when she was nervous and needy, Felina strode into the small bathroom, reached around the shower curtain and turned on the water, fully aware of the open bathroom door.
She resisted looking over her shoulder.If he were interested, he’d be watching her every move.
Before she could chicken out, she reached for the button on her jeans, flicked it through the hole and slid the zipper down.
Cool air brushed against her belly, doing nothing to douse the fire burning at her core.