Page 73 of Lucas
“They…who?”Lucas asked.
“The men who’ve been extorting money out of me for the past six months, threatening to turn me over to the police for murdering my husband.”
Brenda Crabtree struggled to stand.When she was up and steady, she lifted her chin.“Well, you can tell them I’m done.If they want me to sign the property over to them, they’d better do it now because I’m leaving, one way or another.”
“I don’t want your property.I’m not going to threaten you.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I’m looking for an emerald ring.I saw it in a photograph of you on the wall of fame at the Crawdad Hole Bar and Grill.”
“You broke into my house for an emerald ring?”The older woman shook her head.“I could have you arrested for trespassing, breaking and entering and assault.Why would you do such a thing?”
“Locating that ring is important to me,” he said.
Felina closed her eyes.The man was up to his eyeballs in trouble, and he was still trying to find the ring.
“I don’t know what ring you’re talking about,” she said.“I don’t even care.Get out of my house before I call the sheriff.”
“Ma’am, I’m sorry I’ve bothered you, but it’s imperative that I find that ring.Do you own such a ring?It’s got a square stone and has little diamonds on either side of the main setting.”
Brenda Crabtree studied Lucas as though she didn’t trust him or anything he had to say.“I had an emerald ring similar to what you just described,” she said.“I gave it to a friend.Why do you care so much about that ring?”
“You gave it a friend?”Lucas persisted.“What friend?”
“Me,” a female voice said.“I’m the friend.”
Hidden behind the rack of formals, Felina could only see a small section of the closet in front of her, including Mrs.Crabtree’s face.She could not see who was in the master bedroom, but the voice was familiar.
“Brenda, come out of the closet,” the woman said.“What are you doing in there anyway?”’
Brenda eased past Lucas and out of the closet.
Lucas followed Mrs.Crabtree into the master bedroom.
Felina fought the urge to step out as well, but Lucas didn’t want her to let Mrs.Crabtree know she was there.She stayed hidden.Listening, ready to jump out if Lucas needed her.
“Missy, what are you doing here?”Mrs.Crabtree asked.
“I came to check on you,” Missy said.“Is this man harassing you?”
“How did you get into my house?”Mrs.Crabtree asked.
“The door was unlocked,” Missy said.“I was worried about you and came up to see if you were all right.”
“I’m fine,” Mrs.Crabtree said.“This man was helping me find something.He was just leaving.”
“Are you leaving, too?”Missy asked.“These are your suitcases and clothes, aren’t they?”
“Yes.I’m going on a little vacation,” Mrs.Crabtree said.
“I’m afraid that isn’t possible,” Missy’s voice grew colder.“You see, I know where you went today.”
“Of course, you do.”Mrs.Crabtree said.“I went to New Orleans.I told the gardener where I was going.”
“You went to the Historical Society, didn’t you?”Missy’s voice was harsh.
“Yes, I did,” Mrs.Crabtree said.“I made a donation in my husband’s name.”