Page 23 of Talon
“When I confronted him about it, he laughed and told me to man up, get my dick wet, and leave him alone.”
“What?” I asked, furious for Talon. “What an asshole. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, baby. You’re right. He was a shitty father. Everything I learned about being a man came from Raven. He was my sponsor and a damn good one.”
“He’s the one who took you camping?”
“And fishing, not to mention he took me under his wing and taught me the basics about auto repair. He’s like a father to me. So was Rook. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them.”
“I think there’s more to this story.”
“Yeah, there is. I won’t drag it out, but I got wild. Booze. Cigarettes. Parties. Girls.” He cleared his throat. “And one night, I took it too far.”
“I got in a fight at a bar and pulled a knife.”
He shook his head as I sucked in a breath.
“I cut a man’s arm and threatened to slit his throat. All because I didn’t want to look weak or be a disappointment to my old man. He wasn’t even there, and he still had a way of poisoning me.”
My hand rested over the fist he clenched on his lap. “Go on.”
“I got thrown in county lock up and called my dad to bail me out.” His gaze cut across the room, lost in the memory. “He decided to humiliate me to teach me a lesson. He yelled and called me every name he could think of. Ranted for over fifteen minutes before anyone told him to shut up. You’ll never guess who did.”
I already figured it out. “Rook.”
His head turned, and he smiled. “Smart. Yeah, Rook and Crow were in that jail cell, too. My father had no idea when he walked away. He turned his back on me and set me free at the same time.”
“Wow,” I said a second time. “That’s crazy.”
“It doesn’t end there. Turned out my father and another member of the club were cousins. They grew up together but lost touch and went their separate ways after my father refused to have anything to do with the club.”
“Rook? Or Raven?”
“You have a hell of an intuition, beautiful.” He slid his arm around my shoulders and tucked my body against his side. “Raven is my uncle.”
“That’s so awesome. You found family.”
“In more ways than one. I never looked back.”
“And Rook and Crow?”
“My old pres and my new pres. Father and son. That’s how the Devil’s Murder has been run for decades.”
That made sense. “Where are your parents now?”
He dropped a kiss on top of my head before he answered. “My father died a few years back from lung cancer.”
“I’m sorry, Talon.”
“It’s sad, but I don’t dwell on it.”
“I can understand why.”
“My mom lives in Henderson. I visit her all the time.”
“That’s sweet.”